Author Topic: Got frustrated hand fletching with superglue...  (Read 4884 times)

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Offline ionicmuffin

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Re: Got frustrated hand fletching with superglue...
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2012, 03:53:09 pm »
the reason why the grain runs parallel is that i put the feather on the wrong way, so i redid the nocks and went with it. It works, not hunting arrows so im not worried.
Amo innectis arcus- I love crafting bows (latin)

Offline bubby

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Re: Got frustrated hand fletching with superglue...
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2012, 04:52:26 pm »
wrap the nocks to be safe muffman, Bub
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Offline randman

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Re: Got frustrated hand fletching with superglue...
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2013, 06:58:23 pm »
#1    Looks like your self nocks go with the grain. You need to go across the grain and wrap for strength.

Looks like you have nocks going both ways on those arrows. The nocks should go the same direction as the annual rings. If you go 90 degrees (or perpendicular) to the annual growth rings, you are following the natural "split" line of any wood thereby making it easier for the arrow to split along the whole length (if the grain is straight). I wrap the nocks on all but especially wrap the nocks good on those of yours that are perpendicular to the growth rings.
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Offline ionicmuffin

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Re: Got frustrated hand fletching with superglue...
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2013, 10:03:40 pm »
Yeah i realized that after i glued on the red feathers(index feathers) on the wrong way, so i cut the nocks shorter and redid them
Amo innectis arcus- I love crafting bows (latin)

Offline hedgeapple

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Re: Got frustrated hand fletching with superglue...
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2013, 10:54:17 pm »
I use supeglue for all my fletchings.  When I'm doing a 3 fletch I use a jig.  I make sure the fletching is going to line up properly to the shaft then I run a light bead of superglue down the vain.  I also us chapstick to coat my jig clamp so it doesn't stick together or sticks the fletching to the jig.  Any wax would work.  I press it on the shaft, count to 12 and unclamp the jig clamp.  If any of the fletching is not stuck to the shaft, I use an ice pick/awl to press it down.

Most of the time I do my version of a Cherokee 2 fletch.  I don't tuck the tab end/tip of the feather under and wrap it.  I seem to break the quill when I do that.  Instead I wrap it laying flat toward the nock.  Wrapping is wrapping whether is under the fletch or laying between the fletching and the nock.  Since I always wrap to my nock anyhow, why not do it this way.  I use the ice pick to keep the tip of the fletching in place while the superglue hardends.   The I set the but end of the quill where I want it. Mark it with a sharpie, dab some super glue to the inside of the mark do where the quill will lay against the shaft and press the quill to the shaft using the ice pick.
The point of ice pick has very little surface area for the glue to stick to and I wax it wit chap stick.
Dave   Richmond, KY
26" draw