Author Topic: First Hunt  (Read 2144 times)

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Offline mattbowen

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First Hunt
« on: January 22, 2013, 10:17:32 am »
I took my 7th grandson (he just turned 6) on his first (so called) hunt yesterday and I do believe he had a blast. I went out and was going to try to get a squirrel or two but my grandson "Jalen" who lives with the wife and I just had to get the little bow that I made him and come along. He wasn't satisfied with squirrel he wanted to hunt deer so I gently told him that deer season was over and that we were hunting a little smaller game. I knew that since this was the first time that he "going hunting" that I had to worry about him shooting at a deer because they would have heard him coming through the woods from about six miles away, but all in all we had a grate time just being in the woods with him was something to remember.

Offline PrimitiveTim

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Re: First Hunt
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 02:58:26 pm »
That's pretty neat.  I made a mini-bow for my little cousins but they were more interested in shooting it straight up in the air and dodging the arrow as it came down.

It's always fun to see how the little ones take to things like that.
Florida to Kwajalein to Turkey and back in Florida again.  Good to be home but man was that an adventure!

Offline Adam

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Re: First Hunt
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 03:57:21 pm »
That's really cool.  He will remember that hunt and the time with his grandpa forever.  It's amazing how vividly most of us remember our first hunts.

Offline mattbowen

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Re: First Hunt
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 05:56:05 pm »
I have to agree, but I think I will remember it the most. His father doesn't have alot to do with him so it seems that I have to be Dad and Granddad but I don't care, I think we (he and I) have the best of both worlds.