Author Topic: She got arrows for Christmas! - Pics Added.  (Read 2104 times)

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Offline Easternarcher

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She got arrows for Christmas! - Pics Added.
« on: December 26, 2012, 11:27:48 am »
Sorry for the long story right off the bat! and pics will follow when I figure out how to resize them! >:(....
3 years ago, my niece asked me to build her a bow. She wasn't going to learn to shoot, but wanted it to hang on her wall.
When I asked why she wanted such a thing, her answer said it all...."cuz you made it and your my uncle."
how could I refuse that! ::)
So I made her a hick backed hick recurve, and yes she hung it on her wall...every now and then we talked about it and she was always proud to say she had one of my bows.

Fast forward to this past summer....and out of the blue, she asked me to make a couple of arrows to go with the bow.
Not fancy, and not modern materials, she wanted primitive-traditional...again, how do I refuse!
So, for Christmas, I made up these two just for her.
One has moose antler broad head that turned out really was my first antler point!
Second was a knapped point that was sent to me, and sorry I can't remember who - it was a long time past.
Both are hand straightened bamboo cane with hand cut turkey fletch and sinew wrapping with hide glue coating.
Only thing not traditional was the nocks which I used cuz I didn't want to split the shaft...almost split the stone point tip as it was.
This was a lot of firsts for me..first sinew - first use of hide glue and first antler point. I think they came out nice!
Wish I coulda kept them myself....she's a proud girl!
« Last Edit: December 27, 2012, 04:42:38 pm by Easternarcher »

Offline sadiejane

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Re: She got arrows for Christmas!
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 12:46:25 pm »
good on you easternarcher!
yr niece will likely treasure those for many many years to come

my uncle ed made me a slingshot nearly 50 yrs ago and i still have it
and still love it
reminder of those very magical summers spent on the old family farm
wild women don't get the blues

Offline soy

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Re: She got arrows for Christmas! - Pics Added.
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 04:04:14 am »
Those look awesome!!! a treasure for sure ;D
Is this bow making a sickness? or the cure...

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: She got arrows for Christmas! - Pics Added.
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2012, 07:59:59 am »
  Cutting the nocks is no different than cutting the slots for the heads.
  3 Peices of hack saw taped together is the right size of most strings. Rap in back of the cut nock with sinew. I've never had one break in 100's and 100's of home made arrows and 100,000's of shots.
  They look good except for the nocks.