Is there a reason for not using a planer? I planed some hickory to 1/8" two days ago and was planning to use it for backing ...
Just a word of caution. A thin piece of wood will buckle slightly between the infeed and outfeed rollers . The resulting buckle sometimes (especially on tricky grain ,knots, brittle wood etc.)will cause the blades to grab and eject ,with explosive force , wood shrapnel. If it's just the wood, you are lucky. Sometimes it's the blades too! (rare ,but I've seen it )
I hope I didn't sound like I was lecturing. I just want to make sure you guys can keep making bows and using them . It's harder to do that if you are missing didgets/eyes or dead.

. I've worked in wood shops all my life, from Mom and Pop to industrial, and seen my share of accidents. Unfortunately it isn't always the guy that makes the mistakes that gets hurt, it's sometimes the guy working behind him.
Good luck with your lams, go slow and work safe.
I havent ever had a any of the inlays incite on the planer kick out. Its a 12" Grizzly with a fairly large and wide bed, maybe that helps?