Author Topic: Teachers, schools and students  (Read 5929 times)

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Offline criveraville

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2012, 12:23:40 am »
You are all correct and I agree. All of us heavy laden.

Last night Serena and I spoke to Diego about the shooting. This is what he had to say:  Mama sometimes I wander if God doesn't come down because he's scared of what he created..

I was out with the bug and my wife was out for a dentist appointment.. When the alarm went off I turned it off and let my children sleep in. They stayed home with us today. I needed to keep them close by for just a little longer..

I was HECHO EN MEXICO, but assembled in Texas and I'm Texican as the day is long...  Psalm 127:4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Offline Jimbob

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2012, 12:43:49 am »
stick a knitting needle in his crotch....

OUCH!!  I like the way you think though!  Go down kicking, biting and screaming!!  I had a talk with my daughters teacher this morning and she assured me that all doors stay locked and they do practice the drills, so that settled me a little bit.  One thing that did bother me though is that the sherrifs department only has a deputy out there for 2 hours a WEEK.  Not a day but a FREAKIN WEEK!!  Then I go to the bank and there is a deputy sittin there pickin his nose and talkin on the phone.
You skin that smoke wagon and we'll see what happens!---Are you gonna do something? Or just stand there and bleed?

"Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I'll show you a man who'll fight for his country."
Lt. General James Gavin!/jimmy.filidei

Offline jamie

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2012, 09:19:55 am »
I live 5 miles from sandy hook. This community is devasted. I have personal connections to people who were hurt. There is a lot of screaming across the state and country about what to do to stop this. I have my opinions but right now isn't the time. There will be time for that. The one opinion I will give because of its affect on our lives is hug your family and friends, say I love you like you'll never get to say it again, and perform acts of kindness. It's as simple as holding the door for somebody, and saying thank you when somebody does it for you. Cipriano.......thank you for what you do every day.
"Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all."

waterbury, ct

Offline nlester

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2012, 10:03:00 am »
I'm a school teacher....just had a faculty meeting reviewing our school safety plan.  It seems surreal.  My heart goes out to not only the Newtown shootings, but all the school shootings since Columbine.  A school is a place students should always feel safe. 

Offline killir duck

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2012, 01:04:49 pm »
well said
PRIMITIVE ARCHERY what other way can you play with sticks and rocks all day and not look like a little kid

Every time i shoot at a bunny i recall the wise words of Elmer Fudd "I've got you now you waskally wabbit!"

Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2012, 02:36:45 pm »
Tragic loss, and to think you may be a target when you go to work is outrageous. Ironic though this was not a major issue in 40's, 50's, 60's 70's or even the 80's for the MOST part. I totally blame all of it of the breakdown of BASIC family values where mom or dad was much more part of childrens lives. I watched my sister-in-law let video games raise her kids, and there are so many video games that are praising violence as a way of entertainment. In my opinion the fact we as a society chase the all mighty dallor has destroyed the ability to parent with any authority, and violence has become the parents of some of our kids today.

Debating is an intellectual exchange of differing views...with no winners.

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2012, 04:11:37 pm »
stick a knitting needle in his crotch....
One thing that did bother me though is that the sherrifs department only has a deputy out there for 2 hours a WEEK.  Not a day but a FREAKIN WEEK!!  Then I go to the bank and there is a deputy sittin there pickin his nose and talkin on the phone.

Well, you gotta prioritize.  Somebody's elses money or our kids.  And them boogies ain't a-gonna pick themselves!
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline agd68

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2012, 10:10:48 am »
My wife and I have been discussing this since the story was aired.While alot of people discuss ways to prevent such tradgities from happening, I have to ask myself why are they happening ? What has changed in society that causes people to do this ? While I whole heartedly believe in gun control ,that is only a part of the equation, as is the belief that violence in modern society is to blame. Lets face it guns were much easier to get in the wild west days and life in general was alot more violent but this sort of thing was unheard of. Some say that these people have mental issues and need help. Well in 1860 for example, they did'nt worry that the dog was mad, when it bit they put it down.

I believe it has more to do with the  complete lack of disciple and responsibility fostered in our modern society. Values like duty, honor and responsibility have been replaced with " I am an individual and my opinions and individuality count, I must be accepted for who I am". The give me all the privileges now and dont ask me to earn it mentality it rampant in young people today. Look at the problems the internet has caused with Freedom of expression taken to the extreme. It seems like since the 60s a state of Chaos has been allowed to grow in NA. Freedom is a good thing, but  too much of a good thing can be harmful.
These are my thoughts, may be off base but they are what they are.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 10:16:35 am by agd68 »
Happiness is..
A wet lab, dirty gun, and a cold beer after a day on the Marsh

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2012, 03:53:57 pm »
Oddly enough, if you graph the sales and use of leaded gasoline in this country and then graph the violent crimes and the sudden epidemic of ADHD and teenage pregnancy, it coincides with about a 20 year gap. 

The guy doing the research then tried to find a cultural bias and looked to Great Britian....same graph.  He tried France, same graph.  Ditto for Germany, Italy, and a bunch of other first world nations. 

Low level lead poisoning is linked with ADHD, impulse control, violent behavior, and general poor decision making skills.  Here's hoping this runs it's course and gets out of our system now that leaded fuel is a thing of the past. 
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Teachers, schools and students
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2012, 09:26:08 am »
It is such a tragedy.  I have been praying for everyone affected by this coward.  It makes no sense to me.   I can't imagine anything more low down and cowardly than some gutter rat that would open fire on those little ones.  I don't have any solutions to offer, just that we need to have love for our neighbors  --   the kind of love that will cause people to come together and take a fight to these varmints.  Looking back through most of these active shooter incidents, you can see that once they encounter someone willing to fight back, they fold up like a shot goose.  There is no fight in them!  They start sucking on their own gun barrel or are shot down with no more difficulty than you would find in killing a snake. 
Gautier, Mississippi