
what type of stand has produced the best results for you not which one you use but which one you have harvested game from.

ground blind
2 (10.5%)
regular tree stand
4 (21.1%)
4 (21.1%)
ladder stand
2 (10.5%)
no stand I stalk prey
7 (36.8%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: October 02, 2007, 10:14:26 pm

Author Topic: what type of stand  (Read 15451 times)

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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2007, 10:15:03 pm »
jesse next time your in the woods try walking toe to heal rather than heal to toe. or better yet place the outside edge of your foot down first and slowly lay the rest down. when stalking the pinky toe should always be the first part of the foot to hit the ground. if you wear big pack boots you can still stalk just not as effectively as with a softer , thinner flat sole. peace

Offline Ryano

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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2007, 10:45:08 pm »
I prefer my climbing tree stand do to the comfort factor which enables me to stay in the woods longer which in turn puts more meat on the table.
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2007, 10:57:16 pm »
jesse next time your in the woods try walking toe to heal rather than heal to toe. or better yet place the outside edge of your foot down first and slowly lay the rest down. when stalking the pinky toe should always be the first part of the foot to hit the ground. if you wear big pack boots you can still stalk just not as effectively as with a softer , thinner flat sole. peace
I wear whatever shoes I have, and a pair of dark colored socks.  When you get ready to sneak, you take off the white tennis shoes and sneak in the socks.  We have a lot of cactus, so you really learn to watch where you put your feet. Justin
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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2007, 08:42:14 am »
Jamie, I thought I was the only one who walked in the woods like that.  :-X  My uncle showed me that step when I was a kid following him in the woods. Needed it more in Conn than in Maine. All pine needles in Maine. Still it is a good test of just how quietly you can walk in the woods, especially in Conn.


Offline Pappy

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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2007, 08:54:50 am »
I hunt mainly from stands and no one can make me believe the Indiana's didn't hunt for trees.
Anyway I ant an Indiana.They did what ever it took to take game. :)I am a predator and some predator's hunt from trees. ;)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline Hillbilly

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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2007, 01:12:53 pm »
I like hunting both from trees and stalking on the ground-both are good methods. If the question is which is more productive, I've killed more deer from my climbing stand than on the ground.
Smoky Mountains, NC


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Offline GregB

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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2007, 02:34:27 pm »

I have extreme respect for those hunting from the ground! I've even taken a few deer from the ground with a bow, but it was on the way to or from my deer stand. I've been busted enough times even from a stand by being smelled or seen to know that trying to stalk one is really difficult.

I think different parts of the country might warrant different techniques for hunting. Where we live with hard woods, dry leaves, etc. would make stalking really difficult I would think. A ground blind would be better from a noise standpoint probably, but still a challenge to beat their smelling you. There are some I'm sure that think we're taking an easier approach by hunting from a stand. Maybe so, even though we put a lot of time and effort into learning and developing the best stand locations. That in itself takes a lot of experience to be good at I think, just as would stalking. I personally believe that hunting from a stand will yield a higher opportunity for success at least in the part of the country where we hunt. It allows you to be within the range we're limited to with our choice of primitive equipment, while also to some degree negating the deers sense of smell, sight, and hearing. I think the Indians would have used these same tactics when the situation called for it. I like putting meat in the freezer, and I think I'm going about it in the best way in my area to accomplish that.

I repeat...I highly respect those that go about it differently, we don't all have the same goals...that's what make us all individuals. ;)

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Offline Jesse

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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2007, 11:35:02 pm »
Jamie-- toe to heel sounds good. Kinda like the moon walk right. :D.  I will practice that when going to my stand.
Pappy-- Im also not Indian. But if I was I think I would have no objections to a stand either. I am sure many hunted from trees. Why not. It works pretty good.
Sounds like what everyone is collectively saying is dont think there is one best way. Use what will work best in your situation.
 I just remembered the real reason why I  stopped hunting on the ground. I had a bear come up to me from behind and I thought it was a deer so I held still untill it was real  close. When I turned I saw it coming right for me. I stood up when it was about 15 yds away. It took off the other way but I bought a stand for the next hunt and used one ever since.  We have a lot of bears were I hunt and I often see bear more than deer. One of them ripped up my neighbors dog reel bad 2 years ago. I think it was with cubs though.  Don't want to go sneaking up on a sow with cubs.                  Jesse
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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2007, 01:08:56 pm »
Spot & Stalk!!! It was good enough for the indains itz good enough for me. Besides thatz real primitive hunting
  The Native Americans used many different types of hunting. They built ground blinds when it was the most effective way to get game close enough for a shot, but they also sat in trees, spotted and stalked, used calls alot. They hunted just like we do today, which ever was the best and easiest and most effective. They even baited in game. They used snares and traps, also use the driven method. I use most all types that are legal, but love to call them in and also stalk when conditions permit.   

Offline armymedic.2

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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2007, 09:48:50 am »
stalking game is by far my favorite, but not the most suceessful for me.  I live i n ny where there are much hardhoods, dry leaves and sticks.  i would say that about half the deer i spot while stalking bust me before i get within 40 yards.  out of the other half i would say i kill abouit a third of them.  so much goes wrong between 40 and 20 it's unbelievable.  so what does that work out to...about a 15% sucess rate?  oh wait...i forgot to calculate "half the deer i spot"  which doesn't include all the white flags i send up while stalking.-
seriously though, i would say maybe 5% sucess, but i love it so i do it more than stand hunting, sometimes even when it is too dry to really stalk.   If i am in a stand, and i have a deer come within the 20 yard mark, it usuually is and should be over.   i very very rarely get busted in a tree stand.  i would say that i only get busted by about maybe 20%, probably less.   trouble is, you have to pick the right spot down to the yard.  can't move on deer from a tree
in all fairness though, you have to know the trails and beds and plots stalking too.  you don't think we just walk blindly about the woods do you! :D ;D
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Re: what type of stand
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2007, 11:28:33 am »
As i said Spot n stalk is good enough for me. Please i am not implicating that every body should hunt this way. Treestands are good for comfort. But i can't control wind direction from a stand either. At least with spot n stalk i can change direction with the wind. I am a meat hunter not a deer hunter only person. I hunt what i see that is in season that day i hunt. For me i see more rabbit, squirrel, Crow. dove,turkey & deer, using this method. please use what you feel more comfortable with.