Author Topic: Tackling some rock elm  (Read 1578 times)

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Offline Hrothgar

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Tackling some rock elm
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:20:40 pm »
I don't have much to show yet, actually after a couple hours with a draw knife and rasp I wanted a break.  ;) This is the first time I've worked with rock elm. It came from a 5" sapling that I found in the woods 12 months ago. The wood is as tough as I had always heard. ..was hoping to get a 2-3 good staves from the log but due to the interlocking grain it tore pretty badly when split.
This began as a 64" stave with the last 6" slightly curved, but I chose the lazy way out. This stave is 57 1/2" long, 2' wide and 1' thick. I'm trying to decide whether to replicate one of the Mohegen or Lenape bows that Jim Hamm discuses in one of his books, or to opt for a mini version of a meare heath bow and leaves the limbs slightly wider. Ideas are welcome.
Thanks Eric
" To be, or not to be"...decisions, decisions, decisions.

Offline Badly Bent

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Re: Tackling some rock elm
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 04:51:58 pm »
Thats a nice looking elm stave you got worked Hrothgar, should make anything you want I would think. My vote goes for the Lenape style simple d-bow. I saw them in Hamm's book also and had to do one a few years ago , I liked the asymmetrical top limb tip style.
It is actually one of my favorite bows that I've made so far. Nothing special but I like the simplicity of a bow in this style.
Heres a couple photos to inspire you.
I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.

Offline Hrothgar

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Re: Tackling some rock elm
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2012, 05:30:42 pm »
B.B. thanks for the response and photos, nice looking bow.
Do you happen to know what weight your bow ended up?
" To be, or not to be"...decisions, decisions, decisions.

Offline Badly Bent

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Re: Tackling some rock elm
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2012, 05:37:12 pm »
Hey Hrothgar that bow of mine is 56"ntn and around 50# at 26". Think it was amer. elm and was a little to green when I made it, only
cut about 7 weeks before I started it and not quite dry but survived and shoots well.


I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.