Author Topic: Hunting season 2012  (Read 13780 times)

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Offline johnston

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2012, 11:17:49 pm »
Keenan just keep it coming man , love the stories and pics... One
question though "my favorite hunting buddy"....Are you talking about
the lovely Lulyn or those fat-ass horses?
Just want to be clear.


Offline Little John

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2012, 08:52:18 am »
You are living the dream Keenan, go getthem. Till later got go go hunting.    Ken
May all of your moments afield with bow in hand please and satisfy you.            G. Fred Asbell

Offline Keenan

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2012, 01:50:05 pm »
John, Still holding hope for some cooler weather. Need the rain it is like walking on egg shells out there. You need to head out with us sometime.

Pappy, Thanks but seems I'm going backwards. so far it is Elk=three rounds, hunters= 0  If they would stay in one area it would be easy but with the rut and bulls chasing bulls from one area to another, and then add the hunter factor all sound reasoning on where they will be goes out the window.

Gabe, Good luck, Let us hear some stories the good ones and the close calls.

Billy, Billy, Billy,  ;D ;D That was great! Got a kick out of your fantasy hunting adventure, However I'm thinking you might have eaten a bad squirrel and got a serious case of "Squirrel Brain Disease" also known as "Lost Your Nuts" disease. Happens when people get there but kicked by crafty squirrels and they resort to imaginary stories of why the squirrels won! >:D >:D

JW,  don't encourage him, He might start imagining the dragonfly's as fire breathing beast and his next movie will be "Billy the Dragon Slayer"

Lane,   ;D :o  You better hope Lulyn doesn't see that post. :o :o

Ken, Good luck buddy! Come back and share some stories with us.

OK for the latest update;  Just got back from a journey deep in the wilderness that is an area where I had taken several nice bulls many years ago.  I was a little apprehensive as I wasn't sure how the back and this old busted up body was going to fair. Was great to see some of my favorite hunting ground again but bitter sweet as well. Elk sign was very spare and almost non existant. The only excitement was waking in the middle of the night with something panting and walking  a few feet away with only the nylon tent between us.  Happened a few times through the night never did see what it was but suspect a bear as they frequent that area. Didn't have the back up pistol but did have the pepper spray so that we would taste good if something went sideways. ::)

Offline Blacktail

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2012, 06:07:39 pm »
ohhh i smell trout for dinner...i have to say that i really miss the wild areas..thanks for the pics..BLESSINGS..john

Offline rossfactor

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2012, 01:17:14 pm »
Went up the hill on Friday before work to scout (with by bow just in case). The view was 'ok'  ;).  Settled beneath a rocky outcropping with a downhill view of a nice meadow. Had a lovely morning.  Didn't see any deer until I was driving home, when I saw this nice four pointer with a couple ladies. I'll be going back.


Humboldt County CA.

Offline Blacktail

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2012, 01:44:52 am »
gabe,you are in some BIG blacktail country...i hope you get a shot at one...john

Offline Keenan

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2012, 01:24:55 pm »
Nice pictures Gabe. Good luck on your hunting.

 Thursday morning was full of excitement. Started out with hiking a small ridge by camp towards a far upper meadow. The quiet and cool morning, suddenly broken with the distant scream of a bull announcing his dominance. Direction sounded right, he must be up by the meadow, I thought.  I responded with a bugle to double check his position. Unfortunately that was a mistake.  My call only excited the hunters in the drainage below and the their excitement caught the attention of another hunter even further away.  Soon all three were closing in trying get me to answere again. The two guys below were parked near at the end of the road near our camp. I had met them up in there a few years ago so I decided to wait and watch. Soon they were closing in and one guy was quite startled when I cow called as he came right by me at about ten yards. I chatted with them for a few minutes and they asked about tagging along with me towards the upper meadow.
  We did several set up when we got near the meadow and all seemed quiet so we worked our way around to the other side. Sitting for a rest and having a snack when the stillness was once again, pierced by the high pitched scream deep grunts of a mature bull.  Just up on the ridge as above us we quickly assessed our situation. the thrumals were already starting to cause the breeze to swirl and getting a sure direction on the wind was difficult. We thew out some cow calls a he responded instantly.  However the younger of the two guys made a critcal mistake and screamed back at him before we could detirmine if he had cows with him.  Not wanting another bull to get his cows he turned and started moving away from us.
 The calls getting further away I told them we needed to press hard and try to turn him to fight. However that decision was to late as he was putting some distance between us.  We tracked for a while and I let them know that I needed to head back to get packed up as my wife needed some help on the home front.  On the way back to camp I cut some fresh tracks again and heard another distant bugle.  I made the hard choice of staying focused on getting backhome to help.
  As I was headed towards home I decided to stop and check one of my salt licks on the way. Some good sign around it so I set up and threw out a few cow calls. All of the sudden a bull chuckled back, up on the ridge.  Just before dark, all I had was my bow. No pack, no GPS, no light or any of the gear I needed to persue this bull.  I tried to coax him on down the ridge but there just wasn't enough light so I had to back out.  Lulyn sent me a text to stay and hunt the next morning and try to get back on him. So back to camp I headed.
 The next morning I was where I needed to be well before light.  Unfortunately I was closer to him then I thought and just before it was light enough to see well. I heard the depressing sound of an alarm bark,,,,,,,,way to close >:( To add to the frustration He was now down wind. Two mistakes and it wasn't even shooting light yet.  The morning seemed to continue this way. Headed home to help out. 
 With bulls starting to scream and hormones raging it was hard to leave. But the fight is not over. Stay tuned for the next round.

Offline Blacktail

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2012, 12:57:18 pm »
i beat you can just taste the steaks..LOL...HEY,is it smokey where you are at...there seems to be alot of smoke coming into prineville at times..BLESSINGS...john

Offline bcbull

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2012, 03:55:49 pm »
keenan keep at it bro  we got rain here last monday a 6x6  and sunday 7x7 bulls 2 antalope been after it 3 weeks befor we even got a shot rain again last nite weve had a couple misses also so were elk 7 us 2 lol stayin up here till nov brock

Offline Keenan

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2012, 04:58:45 pm »
Go get em Bock. . Please keep us posted.

OK here is how the season ended.  Last Saturday I went in with a long time friend to a favorite meadow we've named Shangrala. We worked down in a drainage and I started with a few lite cow calls, then a chuckled. Instantly a bull screamed back in rage. He was probably 150 yards away.  Unfortunately we heard a very excited hunter tone up and bugle constantly as he was getting closer. The bull had heard more then he wanted and silently took his cows and disappeared.  We cut his trail and tracked for a while but had to quit as we were just to far from camp.
 Yesterday was the last day and it all ended with some intensity and excitement. I decide to check some lower ground where Lulyn and I had got into some elk last week. As I got to the end of the road I found two trailers and two trucks.  One truck I recognized as I had built the truck racks many years ago. It was a guy that I had gone to school with named Mike. I talked with them for about fifteen minutes and while standing there talking, a bull screamed from the timber. I wished them luck and Mike asked me if I would go hunt with them. They were both fairly new to elk hunting and didn't know much about calling. I accepted the invite and off we went.
  The bull was sounding off about every ten minutes, so we close the distance fast and set up when we got close. A few light cow calls and the bull was working through the timber right in front of Mike and Andy.  The bull was about 20 yards from Andy, but no shot due to timber. Then he crossed in front of Mike at about 40 yards but mike hesitated and missed the opportunity. The bull got down wind and busted out. I threw out some calls and then worked my way up toward Mike to find out what had happened.  As they filled me in on the details. The bull was still sounding off, but from several hundred yards away. We decided to persue and as I moved forward I saw horns coming through the trees toward me. I dropped and knocked an arrow. The bull was now about 20 yards away, facing straight on. Head down and trying to scan under the trees for any sign of the cows he had heard.  He raised his head and screamed a chest pounding roar and moved off to my left in the thicket. A few minutes later he was again downwind and busted out.
  We cut his trail and decided since it was the last day to stay on him and track him out.  Several hours later and a little over a mile away, we had caught back up to him and heard a bugle from about 150 yards out. We closed in fast and just as we were about to set up and start calling he busted. I called a few minutes and had him back in and 30 yards in front of Mike. Hearing his shot and the arrow hitting I knew it had all come together. His first elk ever! As I got over to him I noticed the concerned look on his face. He had made a bad hit, stating the bull was walking and he didn't lead the bull.  He had seen the arrow in the front hind quarter as it bolted away.  We gave an hour for him to bed down but with threatening rain clouds we decided to get on the trail. It was a brutal hard tracking challenge as there was very little blood and inter mixed tracks with the cows but we tenaciously stayed on the trail, sometimes on our hands and knees searching for pin drops of blood. Several hundred yards later we had him! A very nice 5x5 bull. Though he is not a traditional archer he is intrigued and thinking someday he might want to try the ultimate challenge of all hand made gear.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2012, 05:53:40 pm by Keenan »

Offline Ifrit617

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2012, 05:05:05 pm »
Awesome story Keenan and congrats to your buddy. What bow did you have with you on the hunt? It seems to fit absolutely perfectly with your camo and gear in that one picture.


Offline Keenan

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2012, 01:33:20 am »
 Thanks John, The bow I had in that picture was the Carp backed Juniper. I had some camo skin covers that Gordon gave me, on it to help blend in. They are light weight stretch nylon and work great

Offline Pappy

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2012, 10:28:25 am »
Great story Kennan,nice bull for sure. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline Brother Dan

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2012, 01:32:58 pm »
Great stories Kennan. those pictures with the lake are awesome, loved to visit there.  BDan
Cleves, Ohio

Offline Little John

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Re: Hunting season 2012
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2012, 12:18:45 am »
Keenan, thanks for all the hunting stories and reports. Wish you could have gotten one but we are all thankful for all the time we get to spend on our hunts and camping trips. I have been so buzy with work, projects, and hunting, I never much get the chance to go on line and my computer has been out of antivirus protection. Any way glad to be back now. I had good hunts but no shots. I hunted a lot on private hay fields and surrounding BLM land, pretty much new country for me so kindof a scouting and learning year for me. The division of wildlife issued tons of private land cow elk only tags that run till Nov 15 they are additional elk tags and between that and the black powder hunt it got a bit crowded for my taste. The good part is that I have one of them tags and altho it is a rifle tag I am treating it as more bow hunting opportunities so will be hunting again this weekend. The big public canyon I hunted last weekend had good elk sign and I found an elk freeway trail that ended up comming out real close to the hay field I have been hunting  and on property I have permission to hunt. So will keep you updated now that my computer is working again.      Kenneth
May all of your moments afield with bow in hand please and satisfy you.            G. Fred Asbell