I havent posted much i know…but that doesnt mean I have not been productive;-)
Here are two new Wych Elm bows. Both heat treated, and both with 1-1,5” reflex after about 500-600 shots.
The shorter is a classic pyramid, 63” ntn and 43# at 28”, kept primitiv with sisal grip, no rest, linen string and beeswax finish. This bow put me in the better half at our last 3D event…as the ONLY all wood bow and shot with hassle shot arrows (yay

Its surprisingly fast for its drawweight, but fickly to shoot well, very unforgiving

. I made this as a recovery bow to train with until my shoulder is good again.
It has some nasty twist making tiller look off (more than it really is at least





The longer is a slim flat, with trapped back. Tung oil finish and tropical hardwood nock (dont ask me the species;-). I heated in some reflex and messed up badly giving it an extension crack on the belly which produced a crysal when I worked her in. I opted to cut out the damaged section and glue in a splinter (like described in TBB 3 page 206)…this works like a charm (to my own surprise…I had written her off). She sits at 66” ntn and 55# at 28”. Its nice and fast, but more importantly, easy and forgiving to shoot, i can hit stuff with this one






Im sorry about the angle at the full draw pics…my wife did her best
