Author Topic: FOBS , Its all too much for me .  (Read 11695 times)

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Offline deerhunter97370

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Re: FOBS , Its all too much for me .
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2007, 12:25:22 am »
Here in Oregon we have  a couple of hunting units that are traditional only. Some guns are less complicated than compounds.
Always be ready to: Preach, Pray, or Die. John Wesley


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Re: FOBS , Its all too much for me .
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2007, 12:35:17 pm »
How about the muzzle loader with electronic trigger? Muzzle loaders werent meant to shoot 250 yards or more. Now they have a scope that, with milatary dots, helps you shoot farther than some rifles.


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Re: FOBS , Its all too much for me .
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2007, 03:46:27 pm »
I have killed deer with a bow of my own making, I have also killed deer with an inline scoped muzzleloader, and a compound and several calibers of high powered rifles. I know you guys won't like my view but no one kill was anymore special because of the weapon I was using. If Tennessee would open a rock season I would be out there chuckiing rocks at them too. The native americans shot the best bow they could make. If they would have found a way to improve its effectiveness they would have did so. I have heard it said our ancesters didn't use a bandsaw to help in cutting thier staves but only because they didn'y have one lol. If the indians would have had compounds it would be us on the reservations.

I love building bows. I love seeing my arrow hit where I am looking without using a sight. I enjoy hunting with compound as well. I know I can take the 35yd shot and hit where I want and have enough power to get a pass through. I enjoy hunting with my firearms as well. One day I would like to kill an 8pt buck with a smokepole, a handgun, a shotgun, and even (say it ain't so) a crossbow.

This is a primitive archery forum and while we all enjoy the primitive side we have to remember when it comes to hunting we need everyone. If it were not for all the gun hunters and compound hunters we could find ourselves in trouble in our fight against the anti's.

Offline DanaM

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Re: FOBS , Its all too much for me .
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2007, 05:17:02 pm »
Ron I agree with ya that hunters support each other no matter what. But I also have to say I agree with makete in
that the manufacturers have gone to far with a electronic muzzleloader, I seem to remember a gun maker had an electronic rifle before
that failed. Just the other day there a news report on the radio about a bear hunter that shot a treed bear, the bear fell but came up fightin the dogs,
any way the hunter got mauled and bitten. And one of the guys at work says "good served him right" becuase he don't think its sportin to run dogs
and shoot a bear out of a tree. Pissed me of and I pointed out that he hunts deer over a bait pile from a heated shack with a beer in his hand. Then asked how sportin is that. Shut him right up. What really gets me about modern muzzleloaders is here in Michigan we have a separate muzzloader season it was not intended for these modern muzzleloaders but meant more as a primitive weapon season. I would love to see the state ban the moderns and make it as intended. I own a Knight inline and I love it, I use it during regular rifle season though. So yea support other hunters rights but when is enough already? "Only when people quit buying the manufactures lastest can't live without it gadget"
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

Manistique, MI


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Re: FOBS , Its all too much for me .
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2007, 06:03:45 pm »
i  am sorry but im not a complete traditional or primitve archer. i will hunt witha compound this year because my 40#longbow is insufficient.  i would like to make a 50# osage(i will be starting one shortly)maybe i can drop copounds then because the longbow is more fun.

i' ve never shot them but i think FOBs are a joke and i think the are really ugly

I dropped in and had a chat with Ed Ashby while he is in the country last night and got a sneak preview of his 2007 arrow penatration study and confirmed what the primitive people of this world have known for thousands of years and I worked out over the years by looking to the past to solve why my good shoots on game made with my selfbow and arrows sometimes lead to a long tracking job ,  David , your 40 pound bow with correctly matched shafts , 25% or greater forward of centre arrows , mass of in excess of 650 grains [ heavier is better ] will shoot through a deer and reliably penatrate bone if struck , of course broadhead type and constuction influence bone penatration as well , 2 blade , single beval edge and tanto type point prove best . Momentum is the key not kinetic energy as being touted by the compound manufacturing mob as they realise trad gear generally can't generate the speed or kinetic energy levals a compound can and in the name of marketing tell lies that influences legislaters all around the world and has unfortunatly become ingrained as fact in todays bowhunting world . regards Perry
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 06:15:32 pm by perry »