Mark, this seems to be stiffening up nicely as it dries, I haven't really dried that much wood so don't have a good feel for it. It dropped from 24% real fast then I think I took some bad readings, it is loosing about 1 oz of moisture a day in the ht weather we are having, starting to slow down now and I am getting reading from 13% to 17%. I figure I will just let it dry till it stops loosing weight. I notice a big difference in how stiff it is. Mass is down to 28 oz now and bow is pretty well shaped. I was hoping to finish a 120# at 26 oz. Maybe by the end of next week she will be ready to tiller. Most of the plumb I have worked seems more elastic than osage or even yew so I will see how it goes. Little higher crown than I wanted but not too bad,