Author Topic: My First Good Arrows  (Read 1619 times)

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Offline Slackbunny

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My First Good Arrows
« on: June 20, 2012, 09:55:44 pm »
So I have made some arrows before, but I was never very happy with how they turned out. They looked rough and I didn't have a good broadhead mounting system. I also put on fletchings that were way too large, and my arrows dropped dead after ten yards.

But I think I have solved all my previous problems with these two new arrows. The broadheads stay on much better, the fletchings are a much more appropriate size, and they look a little more polished than my previous attempts. They are made from a mystery hardwood I found in the shop. I believe it to be oak but I can't be sure. Turkey feather fletchings held on with super glue, and serving thread. I made the broadheads from some sheet steel that I heat treated and cut to shape.

But anway, here are the first arrows that I am actually proud of. Hopefully many many more to come.

Offline CherokeeKC

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Re: My First Good Arrows
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 09:26:13 am »
They look pretty good to be some of your first.  I always leave me fletching at least 5 inches long.  If your arrows were dying after 10 yards all you need to do is trim down the width of the feathers (cut them closer to the shaft).  looking forward to seeing more arrows :)
Aim Small...Hit Small

Offline Slackbunny

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Re: My First Good Arrows
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 11:36:54 am »
Yeah, I havn't got a chance to shoot these yet, but I am anxious to find out how those fletchings work. I only made them about 3 inches long.

Offline Scowler

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Re: My First Good Arrows
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2012, 09:19:27 am »
Not too bad.  You will only know how well they shoot when you shoot them.  Short, taller fletchings will work but they will probably fly a bit slower than long, lower fletching.  For your next arrows you may want to try fletchings 5" (or so) long by 1/2" tall.  Also, it looks like you may want to sand down the front quill area of your fletchings a bit more.  It appears that there is a "bump" in the front wrtapping area.  This could lead to the arrow not leaving the bow cleanly or, worst case scenario, cutting your hand upon release (if you shoot off your hand).  If you don't like using Super glue you can try Duco cement or even just tie on the fletchings with any glue.  Good luck.