Nice job on that one Steve. I was going to mention the Sea Grape jelly, but Mullet beat me to it. It is pretty common over on this side of the state. They get about 12 to 15 ft. high or so, at least the ones I have seen, haven't seen any taller than that, not that they can't, just haven't seen any. They can get a decent girth, around 10 to 15 inches or a little more. I never really thought of them as bow wood. I know there was a guy on Manalapan Island that used to cut it to carve. I will have to go visit my Buddy's Sister who still lives there, and see if I can do a little commando cutting.

Steve you should post your survival Australian pine bow. I was impressed with that one, as I had always considered it to be too brittle. We used to make bows out of it as a kid, but they were kids bows, and didn't last. Yours was actually pretty cool.

Nice arrow also.
