Ok, so here come the questions. I got the stave down to the layout lines (which I changed up to a bit wider). I started working the fades into the belly of the bow and began removing some material on the belly so I could start towards getting it floor tillered. Now, this being my first self bow, is floor tillering simply trying to get the limbs bending evenly (and not a whole lot) before getting a string on it? Here's a picture of me pushing on it to bend:

I realized after looking at the picture my wife took, that it looks a lot different from that perspective instead of looking straight down... Is that a hinge I see starting at mid-limb? Should I look at removing more wood closer to the fades and tips and how far do I want the limb bending before I put a long string on?
On the note of removing wood, I remember reading a few different places where folks mentioned how hard HHB is. Boy, were they right! So far, I've used a farrier's rasp/file, draw knife, and 4 way file/rasp (which has seen some heavy use before this project-need to pick up a new one). I've seen videos of guys getting nice curls of Osage scraped off the belly when they tiller and I'm just not seeing that happen with this wood... Any thoughts on wood removal or just stick with the rasp? I also find myself being a bit nervous of removing too much wood and ruining the stave. Guess that's just kind of normal for a newbie.
Also, the pencil mark you see on the side of the handle portion corresponds to the widest part of the limb. Should the fade be further back (towards center) from that spot or is it ok? I hope that makes sense.
Thanks for any help.