Glad to hear from you Jawge. If you had a counter on how many times I've visited your site, you'd have to start charging me an admission fee.

I have 3 sets of matched mulberry, 2 Osage, and 2 hackberry billets, plus 2 red elm, 1 black walnut, 4 elm, 1 red elm staves, and a handfull of saplings on racks in the shop waiting for my attention. I'm so addicted that a new 14" Grizzly is on a truck somewhere between Springfield Missouri and it's final destination. It showed up in Omaha Friday morning and was switched to the new carrier. I'm hoping for early this next week, (like Monday).
This bow was wielded from a stave that I got around 10 years ago. I laid it on a shelf below a basement window and didn't even remove the bark for over 5 years. Other than a few dips and hollows it was near perfect with medium growth rings and very little twist. Now I'm hoping to find another and more just like it or similar.
I'd say I'm hooked!
All of the work on this one was done with drawknife, farriers rasp, a Nelson wood file, and scrapers. I'm hoping the bandsaw can speed up my work and save me some wood for other uses.
I think I may start making my own furniture for the cabin. Since retiring this past November I'm enjoying myself immensely.
But I need to get indoor plumbing installed before another winter. Moved out here 3 years ago this June and the hole below the outhouse is getting full. I don't want to dig another one and have to move it.
I'm thouroughly enjoying this and thank all off you for your help, Fred