Author Topic: cotton wood arrows??  (Read 1871 times)

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cotton wood arrows??
« on: May 18, 2012, 02:02:02 am »
Had to chop down come cotton wood in my backyard recently and was wondering how to go and make them into arrows? I debarked them and sealed the ends and going to put them somewhere to dry out. So do I just bend them a bit straight at a time until they dry out and then cut them down to size??? and should I keep them a bit big (thinking of just using then for target arrows with fire harden tips or should it be something else. They'll be used for bows under 50#, maybe at about 25-35# or less) The wood range from maybe 3/4" - 2" 1/2" thick.  Some time later I'm going to get some more and if I can I might get some maple (don't know yet got to see if I can get to it) so should I get them bigger then split, seal, and let it dry or just go for small piece???
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