Author Topic: Ben Meadows Bamboo  (Read 13576 times)

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Offline Michael C.

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Re: Ben Meadows Bamboo
« Reply #30 on: December 11, 2009, 11:15:42 am »
where are you located Michael,I might be interested.

I'm in Broken Arrow OK, I don't mind shipping them to you if you want to throw in half the price I paid for the whole lot it was right at 78.47. I thought it was going to be 70 + shipping, so I was a little hesitant to buy them, but that's still a lot cheaper than arrows :)
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Offline shikari

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Re: Ben Meadows Bamboo
« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2009, 11:22:55 am »
That's not bad at all.I think I'll order a bundle as well.Thanks

Offline Michael C.

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Re: Ben Meadows Bamboo
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2009, 05:05:44 pm »
This is a heavy box, holy cow. I thought they were jacking up the shipping on this but not now  ;D Yeah it's a good price Shikari if you can swing the 70+ I would do it, can't pass up deals like that and it looks like these will last me till I can't pull a bow back any more.
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Offline shikari

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Re: Ben Meadows Bamboo
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2009, 06:51:18 pm »
I love bamboo but also have 300+ wood shafts in various materials sitting here so I am really debating if I should get some or not,lol

Offline stickbender

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Re: Ben Meadows Bamboo
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2009, 02:57:57 am »

     Shikari, I do believe you will find that hands down bamboo will, out last, and out shoot, wood shafts.  The bamboo, is simply stronger, and takes more abuse, and doesn't need to be restraightned any where near as often.  They stay straight for a long time.  Not as prone to warping as wood is.  Take a look at the picture of the guy, bending a piece of Tonkin almost back onto itself, and it did not break, try that with sitka spruce, or Port Orford cedar. It is on one of the pages on this site. I have seen some  beautiful arrows on here, but talk to the guys who swear by boo, and I think you will see that they are very passionate in their beliefs of boos superiority.  Like someone on here, said, boo is nature' crbon fiber. ;)  But if you have so many wood shafts, by all means use them, but make up a dozen or so boo arrows, and I think you will use them for your hunting arrows.  I am no expert, but I do see more and more converts on here, and the arrows I have seen up close and personal, are absolutely beautiful, and deadly.  I am in a slump stage at the moment on making some boo arrows, but once I get my knapping improved, I will be all jazzed up to put some points on some boo.  I have some shafts, I have been straightening, and I cut some japanese arrow boo, awhile back, and letting it dry.  So if I can get my skills up to par, then, I will be making some boo arrows, for my move to Montana, in June or July.
