Author Topic: Noobie Build Along  (Read 5759 times)

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Noobie Build Along
« on: April 27, 2012, 01:31:28 am »
So, to start off, this is my very FIRST bow. I'm doing a board bow using a 1x3x6 Red Oak board. In reality it's about .75x2.5x6 so it's closer to the specs that I was looking for.

I got two boards from Lowe's. One had ridiculously awful grain....It was just rings everywhere with constant run-up's. But the other one was relatively okay but still probably not good enough for any of you experienced guys. I decided to still use it because I need the experience. I'd rather try and make a bow with crappy wood and break it than use the good stuff and break it, ya know? On what is going to be the belly, it had a weird bend in the grain that I (with my limited woodworking experience in general) haven't really seen before. But, again, I decided to go through with it anyway.

I got the basic shape of the bow drawn on the board today (amidst many distractions), however I plan on working on it for a good few hours tomorrow. I'll be posting more pictures (hopefully) as I complete a step but who knows what will happen, right?

That's the grain I'm talking about.

My primitive work station right now.... yes that is a wagon. I snagged a 72" straight edge from lowe's while I was getting the boards. It's been VERY helpful so far. The compass in the center is what I use for a straight edge when I'm drawing shorter lines....the little siblings have annihilated all of our rulers and this is what I'm left with. It still works!

Let's hope this goes well... More pictures tomorrow

Good shootin' everyone

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Re: Noobie Build Along
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2012, 04:31:04 am »
I love my 72"straight edge it is a life saver+it is 2"wide...bonus  >:D that grain runoff and swirl makes me a little nervous most shuld be in the careful... :o u might ne able to follow the grain how dose it look on the other side ???
Is this bow making a sickness? or the cure...


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Re: Noobie Build Along
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 09:33:11 am »
I couldn't tell you without looking at it. I'll post a picture when I get home. I'll be going for a 68" bow with 30-35# at 26-27". Hopefully it won't be too much strain but even if it shatters when I go to brace it, I'll have the good practice with the basics.


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Re: Noobie Build Along
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 09:56:08 am »
More than likely that will break....that grain run off and swirl is too much to be in a working limb on a board....try to find a better one...and if you cant then go cut a 3"(or around there) hickory or elm sapling and debark right after cutting...then reduce it down till it just starts bending....then let it sit in a warm dry place for a month. Youll have MUCH better odds and possible success rate in getting a shooting bow than trying to use a board like that.


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Re: Noobie Build Along
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2012, 10:48:54 am »
I can't cut down any trees or limbs around here (homeowners association would not be happy at all) and I don't have any money to buy new boards so I'm just getting the experience. Plus I'm going to back the crap out of it so hopefully I'll be able to get one shot before it breaks ;) next time I'm going to pick out the boards myself.


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Re: Noobie Build Along
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2012, 02:23:05 pm »
Got myself an old table I found in the garage. MUCH better than the red wagon ;)

Started shaping the handle too


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Re: Noobie Build Along
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2012, 11:27:02 pm »
One more step for today. Got the basic shape laid out.

Tomorrow after I take part one of my testing, I'll be able to come home and work on it some more. Gotta make the side taper down a bit on both limbs and work on a fudged up cut on what will be the bottom limb.

PS: It was getting dark out so I apologize for the blurry picture :)

Offline Bevan R.

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Re: Noobie Build Along
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2012, 11:38:39 pm »
Looking pretty good so far!
Bowmakers are a little bent, but knappers are just plain flaky.