Author Topic: Finished my first bow, watcha think?  (Read 7792 times)

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Offline PepeLep

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2012, 05:59:25 pm »
That's pretty!
Doug from Missouri

Offline Jodocus

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2012, 06:08:33 pm »
Thank you PAarcher. There are really some questions I could not quite see trough while tillering. I distributed the bows asymmetry (freely) between fades and bending limbs. Thus, the fades are not the same lenght. So, do I tiller relative to the edges of the bending parts (blue line in pic) or where the string will rest (red?). I also had difficulties with the parts close to the handle, which I barely got to bend.

I was insecure about the bow not sitting there flat (green line) when pulled in the middle of the string. I also noticed that when struck like a cord, they would differ in pitch, indicating different tension/lenght ratio. I admit my tillering tree is truly crappy, carelessly chopped from a twisted piece of hazel. This might be a reason as well.
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Offline Jodocus

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2012, 06:09:17 pm »
sorry, forgot the pic:
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Offline PAHunter

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2012, 06:28:16 pm »
do I tiller relative to the edges of the bending parts (blue line in pic) or where the string will rest (red?).

Anytime bro.  I'm no expert btw just another noob learnin my way through this stuff.  The style bow you designed will not bend near the tips they are too thick.  They are like "levers".  That's fine but it means your tillering will happen between the blue line and middle.  Then bends look pretty good actually just the top bends a lot more.  First I would do full length strokes with a scraper/knife along blue line to handle.  Start with 40 down the belly (or sides, whatever) of the top limb.  Check the tiller, do another pic if needed.  if it doesn't move much do 40 more.  keep going until they even up.  Draw it several times throught the process.  Make a mark a few inches past the fades (out from the handle) on both sides and measure the distance from the string to the bow belly.  The top limb should generally be about 3/16 of an inch more than the bottom (it's much more right now).  Infact do that before you start so you have a point of reference.  Hope that helps!  Keep us posted!
Rob - Wexford, PA

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Offline Keenan

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2012, 08:37:46 pm »
That is way better then My first bow. You did great. Every bow is different and each style has pros and cons. My advice is try them all >:D And find out what you love the best. Congratulations and welcome to the addiction ::)

Offline DQ

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2012, 10:59:41 pm »
I'm impressed!  I haven't even attempted that style of bow.  Very well done, especially for your first.  Thanks for showing it.

Offline lesken2011

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2012, 11:22:10 pm »
Good job! I guess I'll have to add you to the list of guys setting the bar high for us beginners! ;D
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Kenny from Mississippi, USA

Offline coaster500

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2012, 12:47:49 am »
Looks great!!! I have yet to try that design....  I think you did a great job with the details!!
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Offline randman

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2012, 02:44:31 am »
Nice job on your first bow. Now you've done it! gone and got yourself addicted.  ;) Now for your next bow, If you have lots of hazel like your tillering stick, that will make a fine bow also. And yes, the way to look at the tiller on that style of bow is in the area between the blue line and the handle. You could also remove some of the thickness on those tips (they would still not bend) to lighten them for improved performance.
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Offline bowtarist

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2012, 02:48:12 am »
Wow, rarely do I reply to a post on the bows page, but you're inspirational with that sweet bow.  I have yet to make a shootable bow, but seein bows like your's make me want to keep tryin!! as for not hittin the target, keep shootin and try something new if you're still not hittin the target.  Use one arrow and shoot it multiple times, then aim opposite the way the arrow usually goes. and have fun, great bow!!! and welcome.  dpgratz
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Offline Jodocus

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2012, 04:55:59 am »
There actally is tons of hazel growing around here. I planned to use it for practicing my bowmaking, too. But guess what: I collected about ten good, long and thick stems, and they where all grown in a spiral twist. The last three I split twisted over 180 degrees over a bows lenght!  ??? So they ended up as wedges, for my kids to grind on while i did my bow, as hilts for my rasps, or as tillering tree...
But I definetly want to do a hazel bow, as son as I find a suitable piece. I'll post it. If ever.

There is also lots of hornbeam, which I read makes good bows, but those trees look like they're braided, I doubt there is a single usable piece of hornbeam out there.

There is, however, black locust, as a neophyte. Got introduced for wood production and felt right at home, as it seems. And I already spotted some promising branches.
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Offline dwardo

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2012, 06:48:11 am »
Fantastic bow, never mind for your first.
The backing looks very nice too, very individual. I agree on the tiller great job just the balance is a little off. Brace height for me is as low as it doesnt slap my wrist when shooting and a good brace height tension. More often than not on shorter bows my brace is nearer my last knuckle of a fistmille, or fistmile - 1 oncle :)

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2012, 07:12:13 am »
Beautiful bow!  Great job for your first one.  I feel sort of like dwardo on the subject of brace height.  I like mine a little lower - just enough to where it isn't slapping my wrist.  I think the lower brace height makes a faster arrow, but a higher brace height helps your accuracy.  If you raise it up some, your shooting might improve.  Welcome to the addiction. 
Gautier, Mississippi

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2012, 07:17:21 am »
Very nice job on your first,10th for that matter, I would have thought I had died and went to Heaven if my first several turned out that good.Sweet. :) :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline bubby

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Re: Finished my first bow, watcha think?
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2012, 07:19:51 am »
Wow, rarely do I reply to a post on the bows page, but you're inspirational with that sweet bow.  I have yet to make a shootable bow, but seein bows like your's make me want to keep tryin!!
so what's stoping ya, go get a good hickory board and get one built,jump in the deep end with the rest of us >:D, Bub
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