Author Topic: DRAGONBOW (Mollegabet)  (Read 14110 times)

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Re: DRAGONBOW (Mollegabet)
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2012, 08:54:08 am »
Sweet looking molly :)

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Re: DRAGONBOW (Mollegabet)
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2012, 12:16:34 am »
Wow THANKS everyone!   I really appreciate it!

k-hat -

It took a really long time... I didn't do it all in one go.  I did a little then set it aside then did a little more and set it aside.  Not sure how many total hours it took but it was quite a lot for sure.

Youngboyer2 -

Thanks! -  yes Lord of the Rings is my favorite movie. ( I consider all three one long movie)  I cracked up when I saw that part.  Thought it would be a fun quote for a bow forum.   ;D

  Bubby –

Thanks!  I wanted to make a bow that would be similar to the one I gave my bro but push the dragon idea even further…so I thought a lot about it and the story came to mind then the bow followed…not sure if you really wanted an answer to that question but there it is.  Thanks!

Weylin - 

Skyrim is the BEST GAME EVER! IMO.   >:D  I’ve probably played that game far too much…..I wish they would have taken the crafting idea further with bows though…. ???

This bow was actually not inspired by Skyrim I started it prior to the games release but half way through I seriously considered changing the name to DRAGONBORN BOW!

I am thinking of doing one along those lines now though…

Steve Milbocker –

Thanks! That means a lot.  I know people have different preferences so I wasn’t quite sure what kind of responses I’d get.  I feel like what we do IS art. It’s hard for me not to do at least some artwork on my bows.  It’s just something I HAVE to do.

I’ve seen more than one comment on here saying “I don’t like painted bows” or “we don’t need no fancy bows here!” I completely understand that.  I also feel that some of the plainest, simplest looking bows are the most beautiful!  I like ALL the above.  I get to enjoy it all.   :laugh:

Thanks again for your comments.  I truly appreciate it!


Thanks!  I’ve said it before but I feel like it should be said again.  It’s one thing to hear positive comments from non bow makers and something a little more to hear positive things from people who share your love for bending a stick, putting a string on it and launching a pointy stick into oblivion!   
Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about, hmm... except the consistency of squirrel droppings?