Author Topic: shaft taper jig  (Read 7254 times)

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shaft taper jig
« on: April 29, 2012, 12:21:52 am »
Hey  guys im interested in tapering my shafts from 11/32 to 5/16 i cant figure out how to make it, anyone can help??, i shoot a 60 lb long bow @ 28 inch draw, i make my own shafts when im in the woods, and would like to make a jig i could use to  make them easier to fit plastic nocks on, my buddy complains self nocks cuts his string LOL

Offline Pat B

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Re: shaft taper jig
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 01:47:21 am »
This is the one I made a few weeks ago. It tapers the rear 10" from 11/32" to 5/16". I haven't used plastic knocks in a while. I prefer self nocks. If you round all the corners and edges of the self nock they will not cut the bow string any more than any other nock.  Anyway here is what I made from one 1"x4"x4' red oak board and six 1/4"carriage bolts, washers and wing nuts from Lowe's...

these are drain holes to get rid of the saw dust created by the tapering.

I used 120 grit belt sander belt I disassembled and cut to size. It is attached to the jig with double sided FG outdoor carpet tape from ACE hardware.

These are the spacers I use  to adjust the taper. They are 3/8", 11/23" and 5/16" and are removable from where they are stored.

..note the "stop" I glued in at 10".

this is my first set of arrows to taper. They are 11/23 poplar with a 10" taper to 5/16" self nocks. They fly great.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

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Re: shaft taper jig
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 01:51:08 am »
I chuck the shaft in my electric drill and guide it into the jig, working it back and forth until the tapered shaft hits the stop. It takes less than a minute for each shaft. I have tapered poplar and Douglas fir and both tapered well. The 120 grip paper cuts quickly but leaves very few tool marks in the shaft. I light sanding will remove the marks.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC


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Re: shaft taper jig
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 02:14:04 am »
ok sweet, thank you so much my friend, it looks perfect, the shafts you use where do you get them?? i have been practicing with self nocks on hard wood dowels, and he liked the first 2 ive done lol, i have a question to set the taper how do you do it on your jig?? i looked at the pics and got alil confused :P