As far as hunting goes, check your state laws for minimum selfbow poundage. Some don't have one, some have as low as 45#. I can't say from personal experience, but a lot of the pros in TBB and round here seem to think 45# is enough to take a deer at within 20 yard range (good shot placement of course!!). I personally would go heavier.
As far as hickory's ability goes, I'm sure it can handle more draw weight than you can

I built a 55# hickory board bow (with a cut-in shelf) a year ago that i gave away and it was a sweet shooter. Went full width out to about midlimb then tapered to 1/2" tips, it was either 64 or 66" ttt. A nice medium to dark brown wood for riser and tip overlays makes her look real perty too

Good luck and have fun with it, and post'r up her for us to drool