Some shots of the bow in use during a leisurely afternoon of shooting...
Sadly another splinter has lifted on the back of the bow... upper limb a couple of inches along from the binding...
So in a couple of weeks i''l have a patchwork of windings traipsing the length of the bow... can see why you chaps back them now..
Really must try this sometime!

Performance wise... seems better than a similar weight longbow, but i was using my chunky traditional (Tudor-ish) arrows and would probably have performed noticeably better if i was using my 'target' arrows.
Please excuse my horrible 'form'... i think my bowyer skills have come on leaps and bounds in six months, sadly my archery skills haven't!

Oh, made my first linen string, lovely to work with compared to that plastic stuff, just needed a good dose of wax and seems no worse performance wise... although will see how durable it is.