Author Topic: Wood Arrow Problems?  (Read 14971 times)

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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Wood Arrow Problems?
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2007, 11:38:27 am »
I'm glad to hear you got them figured out.  Now that you have the picture thing down, how about posting some pictures.  A lot of guys don't fully understand the grain. You could post some pictures of the grain orientation with the nocks and help us all out.  Justin
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Re: Wood Arrow Problems?
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2007, 01:42:07 pm »
Well Justin,I'll give it a shot.Just keep in mind that I'm still a rookie.So if any of you real arrow smiths out there see any need to correct me on anything please do so.Because I'm still learning.As it was explained to me the grain run out on shafts generally makes a ''V'' shape on the shaft were it runs out.You don't want this V run out up against your side plate or away from your side plate or bow.You want it either faceing down towards rest or faceing up away from the rest.When you glue up your nock it should be perpindicular to the V run out.In other words if the arrow was nocked on the bow string the V run out would be sitting on the arrow rest/nuckle or faceing straight up.I hope I explained this right.Try to notice the V run out in refrence to the nock in the pics.Hope this helps someone as much as it helped me.tradrick

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Offline mullet

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Re: Wood Arrow Problems?
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2007, 08:59:09 pm »
  This may sound silly and simple,but,check how tight the plastic nocks are gripping the string.I've had some that didn't want to let go and they gave me some real erratic flight. If thats the case you can heat them lightly and bend them out.
Lakeland, Florida
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Re: Wood Arrow Problems?
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2007, 11:45:11 am »
Yes mullet I've had that problem also.I've heard of the heating method but have never used it.I have taken a piece of sandpaper folded in half and lightly sand the inside of the nocks until I get the fit I want.But its important not to get them to loose or it will be unsafe to shoot.Just a light snap on the string that does'nt twang when it comes off is usally the ticket.You can also solve the tight nock fit problem by simply reserving your string with a smaller diameter serving material.Thanks for bringing this up.tradrick


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Re: Wood Arrow Problems?
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2007, 07:30:17 pm »
I have never bought any shafts that were straight to Begin with.
Usually I spend hours heating and straightening them.
So if you got your shafts and didn't straighten them to begin with ,they will not be consistent no matter what.
I usually keep a bunch of different weights and spine arrows together when Am practicing, once I get them to hit true , then I know I can shot just about anything with my bow.