Author Topic: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?  (Read 2998 times)

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Offline richardzane

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any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« on: February 26, 2013, 08:28:24 pm »
I just haven't been visiting this site enough...there's some dang FINE worksmanship here.

Most of the chert on the property here is chalky a bit too coarse. Haven't tried heating it except once
where i fired some in a pottery kiln to 1600 ...well it still was chalky, dang, i thought i might make my own obsideon!
when I find an artifact here it looks as if it was from stone found somewhere else. I see pink and a darker grey chert used as points.

Is there a source of good workable rock somewhere near W. Missouri and E Ok. area ?
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Offline Dalton Knapper

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Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2013, 09:39:30 pm » are pretty near some good Keokuk quarries. You'll have to pay, but you can get it cheap from a fellow named Craig Ratzat that runs a place called Neolithics He'll let you spall at the quarry for pretty cheap. Otherwise you'll have to find exposures and I am not familiar with that part of the world. You should also be fairly near some Burlington in Missouri. and possibly Kay County (Florence A) chert. Look up stuff on Google if no one gives you more specifics here.

Offline richardzane

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Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 11:58:31 am »
thanks Dalton,
appreciate it....I'll look into those ! 
when i'm working on things my ancestors worked, singing the songs my ancestors sang, dancing the same dances, speaking the same language, only then  I feel connected to the land, THIS land, where my ancestors walked for thousands of years...


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Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 03:32:31 pm »
About 4 yrs ago I was invited to this old guys house down near Lamar MO. He happened to be a friend of the family and was very welcoming to me. I related that I had an interest in picking up some raw flint and he said he could hook me up. It seems that the local township had a bank they had been diggin dirt from for years and there was a large amount of clean white chert all through the hillside. Since I was only "passin through" I was only able to pick up several buckets full. Sure would like to make another trip down there someday (with a bigger truck and more time.) I have contacted him since and he is still amiable toward me makin another visit, but he is gettin on in years and I don't know how much longer the opportunity will be there.


Offline richardzane

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Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2013, 07:55:58 pm »
thanks for that connection with Craig at Neolithics in Quapaw, i've emailed him and making plans to visit the quarry.
he's only 1/2 hour away.

Lamar's only an hour away. If you ever decide to make a load i'd be grateful if i could tag along.
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Offline koan

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Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2013, 05:40:12 pm »
I am in central Mo and there is Burlington along I-70 in several places.... Brian
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Offline richardzane

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Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2013, 06:49:22 pm »
thanks Brian,
 hints? East of ...?  West of...?  :)
 suppose everyone is protective of their vein of good rock. don't normally get out that way often, and if so, we usually drive 44.
when i'm working on things my ancestors worked, singing the songs my ancestors sang, dancing the same dances, speaking the same language, only then  I feel connected to the land, THIS land, where my ancestors walked for thousands of years...

Offline koan

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  • Brian D. Mo.
Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2013, 12:21:06 pm »
Between Booneville exits and Sedalia exit on I-70..(some local knappers call it Sedalia rock).. Just gotta look anywhere they cut thru the limestone to make roads... I have also found knappable rock along Mo. River in Jefferson City time your in the area give me a call and we can go on a rock hunt. Im still cuttin my teeth on knapping but always lookin for rock, lol. I'll pm ya my number.... Brian
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Offline Knapper

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Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2013, 10:29:14 pm »
Richard, there's also a place just SE from you called flint ridge, now I've never been there yet but have looked at it on google, have heared that its a good source.
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Offline richardzane

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Re: any good rock in NE OKl? or W. MO?
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2013, 11:06:54 pm »
thanks Knapper
yeah! just checked it out on google...ok...I'm ready for a little excursion.
now i have to figure away to make it a business trip
scout for clay along the way? sheeesh... why not
when i'm working on things my ancestors worked, singing the songs my ancestors sang, dancing the same dances, speaking the same language, only then  I feel connected to the land, THIS land, where my ancestors walked for thousands of years...