Cipriano, calm down, he was just making a "Jest", even though it is quite correct.
Texas is big. Ok, how's that? It just isn't the bigg-est.

Texas has lots of .....uh, rock, and sand. Alaska has LOTS of gold, oil, trees, fish, deer, moose, Caribou, beaver, bear, Eagles, otters, seals, whales, and a huge tourist industry. Not that Texas doesn't get some tourists to visit the Alamo.

It is just a fact of life, Texas USED to be the biggest state. Sorry if any of us offended any Texacans, on here. But Texas does have more knappable rock!

And they have more cattle! So see you are still number one in some areas!

Oh, speaking of Eagles, go to you tube, and click on "Decorah Eagles" There is a nesting pair at a fish farm, in Ill. that has cameras on them 24/7.