Don't ya'll think it is going to be hard to pick just one???
- 1. Robustus’ short siyah, Chinese style horn composite January BOM
4 (5.3%)
- 2. Dragonman’s coconut bow February BOM
2 (2.7%)
- 3. IndianGuy’s 46” horn belly sinew backed bow March BOM
3 (4%)
- 4. Darksoul’s bamboo backed ipe: reflex/deflex trilam April BOM
1 (1.3%)
- 5. Barney’s horn sinew composite May BOM
3 (4%)
- 6. Cameroo’s hick-backed osage board bow June BOM
4 (5.3%)
- 7. Scott D’s hickory backed hackberry July BOM
- 0 (0%)
- 8. Robustus’ hybrid Scythian horn bow August BOM
20 (26.7%)
- 9. MWirwicki’s 36-inch hornbow w/coral snake Sep-Oct BOM
12 (16%)
- 10. Almostpighunter’s breakthrough BBI November BOM
1 (1.3%)
- 11. Keenan’s sinew/Carp skin backed Juniper bow December BOM
25 (33.3%)
Total Members Voted: 69
Voting closed: February 22, 2012, 10:47:31 am