@TutleCreek: thanks much!
@gstoneberg: haha thanks man, this bowyer is just glad it has not broken… yet
@Jimbob: You just need an axe bro, the rest is icing! After that I suggest a decent rasp, sturdy vice, and draw knife in that order. I’ll stress sturdy vice because my new heave duty vice is a dream compared to my original that needed constantly retightened.
@blackhawk: Sensi of bows and brownies *bow*

At least one of us was confident it would be a shooter. I got it with intent to chase a ring until I realized that the one side ran off. Hopefully the backing will do its job. It follows the string about 1.5 and 2.5 inches. On a positive note that’s about ½ my first bow. I assume the wood is dry this time, so how can I minimize that more in the future? I did notice that I had almost no string follow until after 22 inches draw or so. I drew 20-30 times an inch (too little?) and was only doing light tillering with a shave (the flat piece of steel) because it over floor tillered (the new tools were just too shiny, couldn’t resist). After the offense I somehow remembered all your comments about patience.
“you don't need me around anymore ” – ah ya. Before I met you and Bill (and saw the bows on this site) I pretty much visualized an ideal bow as one that flung an arrow and didn’t break. I don’t know if you guys could tell but I was sincerely blown away from what you have done. They are highly functional, I’m sure, but they are works of art as well. A quick glance at the BOW entries on here and I bet anyone would be instantly humbled. What’s really appealing to me is that there is so much variety. It really seems to be a way of expressing yourself through your work. Hunting is still, and may always be, my priority but that aspect of this speaks to me as well.
Any success on this bow is a direct result of your help, thank you!
@Pappy: That’s much Pappy!
@George: thanks George! To be honest I was only about 12 feet away but that’s still better than my first bow was doing.
@lesken2011: Thanks much, I’m happy with the handle for a first attempt but I can think of ways to improve the back painting next time.
@johnston: Thanks Lane!
@PearlDrums: haha
@coaster500: Yeppers! though I’m hoping to build one around 50# for hunting season.
@Keenan: thanks, I’m just enjoying the process.

Set difference in first 2 bows: