Thanks, this is the nicest rock I've worked so far. I don't remember if I got it from Patrick or Cipriano, but I have a bucket of it to spall out.
This is the first point where I envision'd a point in the stone before I started and it ended up just like I imagined (just like when I build a bow).

When things work, this is one of the most fulfilling hobbies ever...and when they don't it's maddening.

John, that's indirect percussion, not pressure flaking. I am making longer flakes with pressure than I used to, but the indirect percussion has started going so well that I haven't done pressure flaking as much. I do use pressure to turn the edge, to clean up symmetry and sharpen, but that's about it. I'm hoping to get a lesson with Tower or Cowboy in not too long and then I'll work pressure a lot more. I did file my notching tool down to a square and I like it that way. For the first time I was able to square off the notches Yay!