Author Topic: Carp skin backing interest, making a list..(Pics for madcrow added)  (Read 37971 times)

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Glad you like them Lee....  Doing this has really created an addiction to carp fishing for me!!!  It has rained all day here which is a major bonus because the water levels on the river have been fairly low.  But with the rising water level, I am expecting the carp action to pick up as it will create more current breaks and pools in the shallower water.  I have the next 3 days off and plan to spend every second of day light getting more of these "bugle lipped bass" for the rest of the crew.  I will sure be busy, but havin' fun as it will be well worth the time spent.  Thanks again for the kind words- Ryan

Offline JW_Halverson

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Bugle lipped bass!  hehehe

Fly fisherman call 'em "false bonefish", too.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline gstoneberg

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I've heard them called lots worse than that!!  Usually by walleye fisherman fishing the spawn in a river after foul hooking one, fighting it for 20 minutes on 6lb line and declaring to all their buddies it might be the new state record... :o

St Paul, TX


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Only managed to get two common carp yesterday, 27 to 28 inches long.  I had a third one, went to put it on the stringer, stringer broke from the log it was tied to and started to go down the river.  Not thinkin', I grabbed for the stringer, lost my balnce and fell on my back loosing the hold I had on the third fish and into the river it went.  I did get the stringer back with the other 2 fish on it.  So far each time I have been out I have either tumbled into the river or have slid down a steep bank and gotten covered in mud, but at least I have caught fish.  I guess that's what happens when you fish those hard to get to spots:)  I will be back out on the river tomorrow to get Stingray 45's batch and hopefully stay on my feet!!!!

Offline JW_Halverson

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Only managed to get two common carp yesterday, 27 to 28 inches long.  I had a third one, went to put it on the stringer, stringer broke from the log it was tied to and started to go down the river.  Not thinkin', I grabbed for the stringer, lost my balnce and fell on my back loosing the hold I had on the third fish and into the river it went.  I did get the stringer back with the other 2 fish on it.  So far each time I have been out I have either tumbled into the river or have slid down a steep bank and gotten covered in mud, but at least I have caught fish.  I guess that's what happens when you fish those hard to get to spots:)  I will be back out on the river tomorrow to get Stingray 45's batch and hopefully stay on my feet!!!!

Long way from the grace and artistry of a fly fisherman making those lovely sweeping casts at a wild brook trout.  But frankly, I'd rather go fishing with you!  Sounds more exciting.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.


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  And another two today before the blizzard started.....  Done with Soy's and part way through with Stingray45's and then Mullet will be up.  I will be heading out again tomorrow if the weather cooperates.


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  If anyone would like to see an example of a prepped skin, check out Allmostpighunter's post in the bow forum "Carp skin question"


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As M-P requested, here's a pic from today's efforts:

Offline gstoneberg

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Looks too cold to fall in the water carp fishing...  I'm gonna have to take my fishing poles out of the storage tubes from moving (4 years ago).  You're having entirely too much fun getting bow backing. :)

St Paul, TX


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It's a blast!!  Everyone should be pretty happy with what they'll be getting


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The list has been updated on page 4 of this post....  Mullet, you're up!

Offline M-P

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Thanks,   Those fish look a lot prettier and bigger than the ones I used to bowfish for in Nebraska.   The Nebr fish were usually a muddy brown.   Ron
"A man should make his own arrows."   Omaha proverb   

"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."    Will Rogers


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  The skins look a lot better the closer they get to being on a bow!!!

Offline Keenan

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Ryan, those sure look good. I see some nice bows laying there! You are changing the face of archery :o


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I used my first Ryan set of skins this weekend. Killer stuff man!
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.