Author Topic: Carp skin backing interest, making a list..(Pics for madcrow added)  (Read 37943 times)

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2012, 03:17:56 pm »
  Thanks for the kind words Keenan.  You'll really like the buffalo skins, they are a bit more transparent than the common carp skins I sent you before, so it will be interesting to see how you can affect the scale pattern by dying/staining the wood beneath it.  Maybe another BOM win for ya??????  :)

Offline Keenan

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2012, 03:45:04 pm »
 ;D ;D ;) Thanks Bro Looking forward to seeing them


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2012, 04:04:31 pm »
Guys I can't say enough about TurtleCreeks skins. The were very well prepared and top quality all the way.  I have had so many people look at this bow and the response is always about how cool the skins look. Sure can make a stick look fantastic. Thanks again Turtle

I concur. Ryans skins are A-1. They dont get any better.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2012, 03:06:22 am »
  Thanks PD.....  This should be a boomer of a year for the carp here, I have managed to catch 7 already and that was just in the last two days.  Not too bad for this early in the season as they are still not stacked up in the honey holes yet.  Once they move in to the shallower pockets of slow water, I will certainly be up to my neck in skins and lovin' every minute of it!!!!  I'll no longer be releasing anymore carp, I am addicted to catchin' em' now.  One simple tip for the guys that will be getting some skins:  For cutting out the strips(if backing a bow), get yourself a piece of clear plastic and cut it out to the width of the strip you need- the clear plastic will allow you to see the scale pattern and make sure that it runs the length of the strip and matches nicely with the pattern of the other strip you splice it to. 

Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2012, 06:19:53 am »
I guess if everybody else is going after carp skins I should too.  If there's still room on your list I would trade for a set.  I'm hoping to bow shoot some gar skins down here in Texas.

St Paul, TX


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #35 on: February 18, 2012, 08:36:40 am »
I put your name down George.  Just got done scraping 12 skins tonight.  I will be heading out to catch some more this upcoming Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  I will make sure to post some pics for M-P if I get lucky again. 

Offline Pat B

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #36 on: February 18, 2012, 01:36:05 pm »
Ryan, I'd be interested in a set if you have any left over.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #37 on: February 18, 2012, 04:07:07 pm »
  I will put your name down Pat for when I get more.  I have a lot of guys on the list, 20 total(as of now).  I figured that for backing a bow, I would send each guy enough length in skins to do a 72 inch bow(or if ya make one shorter, you'd certainly have enough to play with).  The skins will be left whole so you can cut them to whatever width ya want.  Catching this many carp will be no problem, I will be on the river all day for 3 days this upcoming week and I will keep everyone posted.  bcbull at the #1 spot already has his skins getting prepped so this should go pretty smoothly.  Thanks for all the interest guys, I am having a blast doing this!!!

Offline jtbluefeather

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2012, 10:37:38 pm »
Hi Ryan, I'm new to this site. This is my first post actually. Pearl Drums got me over here from the trad gang site and told me to find you. I was going to ask about using salmon skin, but that's for another day. If you've got carp skins left, I'd like to be added to your list. I saw a bow backed with one that looked spectacular, and I'd love to give it a try! I'll PM you about the salmon skin stuff later. Gotta get the kids to bed!



Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #39 on: February 18, 2012, 10:41:57 pm »
Carp fishing brings back some fond memories of my college days.  I used a fly rod, closed face spinning reel and waded out below a spillway dam with waders, a can of corn for bait and a short section of pipe to dispatch the carp.  I probably fished 2 days a week and caught carp most every day until my arms ached.  Had a surprising number of people ask me to keep them for them.  Those were simpler times.

St Paul, TX


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2012, 06:28:45 am »
It sure can be a lot of fun catching them, after the 7 the other day, my forearm was pretty sore.  Already had to refill a few spools as a few of the beasts the other day took me down river quite a ways and snapped the line.  Makes me wonder how big they really were compared to the 25 to 33 inchers that I actually landed with no problems.

Offline Lee Slikkers

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2012, 03:24:16 pm »
Glad to hear I am on deck...yippy!  I wish I lived closer as it sounds like you are having a blast catching these buggers.  I need to get more informed on when they are catchable here in MI...both with a pole and with a bow.  I intend to use your skins on a bow used to for bowfishing so wish me luck!   8)
~ Lee

"The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it?"
— Aldo Leopold


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2012, 08:46:49 pm »
Caught 2 more today Lee, so I should have enough for you now- just got back and need to filet/scrape/ and descale them.  After that it will take a few days to get them dry enough to ship.  Pretty sweet skins, you'll like em'.

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2012, 09:17:30 pm »
 :'( :'( :'(I thought I was the first to reply, Yes? :(
Lakeland, Florida
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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2012, 01:14:17 pm »
Mullet, some guys sent me a PM to show their interest.  You are #5 on the list, but since I already have enough skins for the first 2 guys, it won't be much longer and I should be working on your batch.  I have been doing fairly well catching them this early and it's not even the best part of the season yet.