Author Topic: WTT: Buckeye Hand Drill Sets - Friction Fire  (Read 1602 times)

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Offline tenbrook

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WTT: Buckeye Hand Drill Sets - Friction Fire
« on: January 16, 2012, 11:56:44 am »
I have a bunch of extra hand drill sets I made that I would like to trade.

These sets are made from California Buckeye.  Both the hearth and hand drill are Buckeye.  This wood combo is one of the easiest/best combos to start a friction fire with.  Also when both the hearth and hand drill are made from the same species of wood they wear out much more evenly giving them a longer life.

Anyhow I'm looking for just about anything in trade.



"Indian makes small fire, sits close.
White man makes big fire, sits far away."
- Stalking Wolf