Author Topic: DESIGN ??? FOR ERC  (Read 1221 times)

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Offline tattoo dave

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« on: January 10, 2012, 09:31:19 pm »
So I got my hands on a sweet erc board about 8" wide, and next to no knots. So I'm looking for some suggestions as to what design, length, width and all that good stuff. the problem is this board is only 3/8" thick. So I have some sinew, but not sure if I have enough to back a bow. Do I sinew it, or back it with a hard backing? I've been pondering this for days. I don't want to turn such a nice piece of wood into fire wood.

Tattoo Dave
Rockford, MI

Offline dmikeyj

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« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 09:40:35 pm »
Is the board heartwood, sapwood, or a combination?
How you go about backing it will depend on that.

If it were me, I might just rip it and glue it for 3/4" thickness, then proceed with a nice pyramidal design, non-working handle glued on.
With 8" of width to play with, you could get 2 bows out of that board this way.
I would suggest if going that route, to glue up the rips 180 degrees.  Rip it, flip it, glue it...

just a thought.

Offline HickoryBill

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« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 09:47:38 pm »
I'd cut it down to about 1.75 wide and 64 long and back it with hickory....Glue in a little reflex /deflex and let it bend in the middle...Kind or hybrid elb.
"He who hesitates usually misses"
"All you really need to make a bow and arrow are some sticks and a deer carcass"
Bill Stockdill
Clarion County Pennsylvania