Author Topic: Simple Bowstrings  (Read 23851 times)

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Offline dbb

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Re: Simple Bowstrings
« Reply #45 on: December 31, 2011, 01:30:34 am »
I think the easiest way to describe it is if you take a look at the video Slackbunny posted.
First make the loop at one end and follow the instructions untill he folds the string back to make the other,instead of folding it you just keep reversetwisting it to the end.
And if you only loop it at one end you only have to untangle the threads as you wont be inducing any twist with another loop.

It's better to ask and look like a fool than not to ask and remain one...

Offline dragonman

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Re: Simple Bowstrings
« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2011, 10:29:37 am »
Dictionary,  dont put your self down, you not an idiot for not knowing how to do something, no-body knows untill they take the trouble to learn things, whiich takes time......if someone showed you 'face to face' you would have got it straight off....its one of those things that takes many words to explain but only a few mins directly being shown.....goodluck with all your bow making endeavours...

'expansion and compression'.. the secret of life is to balance these two opposing forces.......

Offline Buckeye Guy

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Re: Simple Bowstrings
« Reply #47 on: December 31, 2011, 12:45:37 pm »
What dragonman just said is verry true and the same as I tryed to say on an earlier page!
So don't ever worry about asking questions ! As they say the only dumb question is the one you don't ask!!
In this case I say just go do it,  then let us know what happened !
Part of learning is doing !
Reverse twist enough for your loop make the loop reverse twist past where the ends run out and a couple of inches more , straighten out your strings then go to other end and reverse twist a long enough area to more than take care of where your going to tie it , put a knot at the end to hold it from untwisting,put your loop on the bow nock and twist the string the same way as the reverse twist till you get enough twist to have every thing wrapped but not kinked ,then let your string slid down the bow a few inches so you can tie your knot and then brace your bow to see where you are on brace height ,make adjustments by either retying the knot or putting in more or less twists !  the end
Guy Dasher
The Marshall Primitive Archery Rendezvous
Primitive Archery Society
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