Author Topic: The things that happen in the deer woods  (Read 5791 times)

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Offline PeteC

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The things that happen in the deer woods
« on: December 04, 2011, 10:35:56 am »
 I think this is one of the things that makes our sport so interesting.The infinite range of possibilities,and the one in a million chance(s). On thanksgiving weekend,just a day or so after taking a doe,my wife and I went hunting in the same area.We knew it was going to be very windy,but this would be our last chance of the season to take does. The wind was gusting to 40mph,with sustained 20mph wind.It was 41 degrees,and with that wind cutting through you,it felt flat out cold.About 8:15 AM,I was shivering pretty bad,and got to thinking about a pot of coffee,and that my wife was probably already back to the truck,so,I looked around,did'nt see anything,and decided to get down.I got my pack on,safety belt off,looped my pullup twine around the tip of the little hickory bow,and hung my quiver on it,I had on gloves,and when I went to lower them down through the ERC limbs,I dropped the twine. My bow was about 10' under me,and the quiver 6' down.when I looked down throught he limbs I noticed the twine loop was still on the bow.I reached way out downwind,took the twine,the pulled the bow and quiver back through the limbs without spilling an arrow.It took 4 tries fightin' that wind to get them lowered through the thick spots,but when I finally did it,I let the twine slide to lower the gear quickly,and then, commenced to drop the bow and quiver on a bucks back.A legal buck I might add,just the second legal buck I've seen all season.He ran a ways out,then looked over his shoulder at my gear spinning at the bottom of my tree,then went behind a thicket and stood,probably trying to figure out what had just happened.He moved a little,so I took a chance and jerked my outfit back up,hung up my quiver,and nocked an arrow.Funny,I was'nt cold anymore,and I sat about 5 minutes when I caught a flash off to my left.He was about 40 yards out,and on a trail,that,if he stayed on it,would bring him about 15-20 yards in front of me.He went through another spot where I could see him better,and realized this was not the buck I had just dropped my tack on,but a deer I had several pictures of ,but had never laid eyes on him.He skirted the thicket,and did'nt come in,but I could barely see him,not 40 yards away,though the brush.He moved,and disappeared,and I had been sitting there a few minutes when a big gust hit my tree .The kind that scares you and makes you grab for a limb.Then I realized I had never taken off my pack,or replaced my safety belt. I took care of that,then when I turned around to sit down ,there was a doe standing right in front of me.3 more came right underneath me and joined the first one.They were snufflin' acorns,and the biggest doe,was standing exactly where the doe I took on Friday was standing.16 yards and broadside. But,the wind was coming out of the northwest,and both of those bucks had gone to the southeast.I made a decision to wait and see if the bucks would wind the does and come running back.I could have shot any of the 4 for the next several minutes,but they gradually moved off out of range,and the bucks did'nt come back. It was unsuccessful,but undoubtedly one of the most exciting hunts(for a tree stand) that I've experienced. It's also very encouraging just seeing that mature buck,and knowing he is there.This is the kind of thing that keeps me going back ,year after year. God Bless Y'all
What you believe determines how you behave., Pete Clayton, Whitehouse ,Texas


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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 11:25:31 am »
Now how did that bugger get in under you and bedded down without you knowing Pete? Sounds like somebody was snoozing in the middle of a tornado!
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Offline PeteC

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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2011, 03:04:44 pm »
Well,my hearing is nothing to brag about as is,then, with the racket from the wind,any of a number of things could have come up behind me and I'd have never known it.He was'nt bedded down,or,at least I don't think he was. ;)God Bless
What you believe determines how you behave., Pete Clayton, Whitehouse ,Texas

Offline Pappy

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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 09:44:47 am »
Cool story,you are right that is the kind of stuff that keeps me going back. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline criveraville

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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 12:26:50 pm »
Pete, that is the most interesting hunting story I have ever heard.  Both comical and heart pounding.  I have to say that is a first and a good story to tell around the campfire. 

I was HECHO EN MEXICO, but assembled in Texas and I'm Texican as the day is long...  Psalm 127:4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.


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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2011, 03:03:45 pm »
  great story

Offline chasing crow

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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2011, 10:31:30 pm »
Now that is a wonderful story! Things like that just keep you comming back! 
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Offline GregB

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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2011, 09:57:43 am »
Enjoyed your story, thanks for sharing!

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Offline leapingbare

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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2011, 11:26:28 pm »
cool story.
Yea crazy stuff happens. Just last sat Will and myself were hanging a stand at 1130am and had a 8pt walk by us at 15 yards. and we were talking and cutting lembs and stuff.. Will got him on vid with his cell phone.
Mililani Hawaii


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Re: The things that happen in the deer woods
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2012, 10:22:09 pm »
That is a very cool story, but I think I'd also call it a very successful hunt!