Thanks guys. I am doing almost all my platform preparation with pressure now, then using indirect percussion if I need to pop large/long flakes, pressure if I don't. However, my progress seems pitifully slow Patrick. About the time I feel like I'm improving, running nice consistent flakes, I'll step about 3 straight and put an island where I can't get it out without losing a bunch of width. Then, I'll pop a flake that makes the center of the piece way thinner than both ends. Drives me crazy, especially when I goof up around the base where I know if it isn't thin my notches are going to stall.
Paul, my arms are aching from pressure flaking. Today I plan to make an Ishi stick. There has to be an easier way to get that much force on the spall. It'll help when I get used to it. It really helped when I made a rubber pad that is small enough to hold comfortably in my hand. The flakes come off so hard that they stick in the pad a lot. I do hope I learn how to control how far the flakes travel at some point. I really hope I learn to do notches. I have some friends to hog hunt with down near Houston. This spring I'm gonna beg Mr. Tower for a notching lesson...unless I can get one from you first. How are you feeling by the way?