Author Topic: Skunked afield  (Read 2168 times)

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Offline bowsandroses

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Skunked afield
« on: December 13, 2011, 05:11:30 pm »
Well my last hunting oppertunity ended last weekend with my being empty handed. :'( Well almost got some bow wood to sooth my wounds. :) I don't know what it is about Black tail in the Oregon jungle but man I'm addicted. If I was told I had a choice to hunt Elk in Eastern Oregon or Black tail in Western Oregon but not both. I'd go insane trying to decide but I may just choose Black tail. Either way I don't hurt there population much, if at all, they both kick my butt. As they have for more years than I care to admit, seems I stumbled on to 7 years bad luck. :o However I've enjoyed this forum the pictures and hunt'n stories. ;) As I keep looking between now and next season who knows maybe Papy and some of you others may just rub some luck off on me. ::)
My two cents worth of wisdom
One who seeks solitude will find their inner spirit.

A man who speaks to critters is a man with an audience who listens
                                              Hugh Ridenour

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Skunked afield
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 09:01:16 pm »
  BOW we had a post on luck on WVSPORTSMAN for weeks. I feel you make your own luck. Matter a fact luck is when you can't change your odds. Never black tail hunted but like to someday. But I have hunted white tails for 41 years. But I know with White tails to be a buck hunter you have to learn to tip the odds in your favor to be conscent.  I know from talking to and reading what others say it's the terrain that really defeats you. I live and hunt farm land and glass from a far all summer. But I still hunt in close with my self bow15 yards or less.
   Have only shot one buck farther with a self bow 18 yards all the rest was 15 and most under. So you can do it. He's a little advice thats why I've been able to pull off almost all of my shots the a elf bow. It's really simple I set up where the buck has to go by me. Leaving be behind him. Bucks once passed you only focus on whats a head. Never seeing you draw. Just make sure you set up where he go's far enough past you.
    HOW MANY TIMES YOU BEEN BUSTED TRYING TO DRAW ON A BROAD SIDE DEER. This is how people lived by the bow for 10,000 years with out starving. SIMPLE BUT AFECTIVE.
  Don't give up I just keep moving forward.

Offline Pappy

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Re: Skunked afield
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2011, 01:34:55 pm »
Hang in ,patients is a virtue. I have killed more deer by just hanging in than any other way. Like Crook said you make a lot of you own luck but even that don't work if you ant out in the woods. It will come.Sounds like you are having fun and that's the main thing anyway. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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