Yes Sir,
Love Dove.
Fillet the breast halves out.
Roll them up in Bacon with a slice of San Marcos Jalapeno in with the breast meat and grill....

Chicken fry the fillets, serve with cream gravy, rice, fresh green beans and fresh Mrs Baird's White Bread for sopping.
A limit will feed three to five folks.
Duck Gumbo! Takes me three days to make it, but DAMN!
Slow Smoked Wild Turkey... mmm!
Slow Smoked Molasses Crusted Snow Goose... Yowsah!
Smoked or Fried Wood Cock. This one is HARD to beat.
Chicken Fried Wood Duck... Amazing how good this was.
Chicken Fried, Smoked or Grilled Sandhill Crane... Sirloin of the Sky.
Have cooked and eaten many of the birds that frequent Southeast Texas, back when I was a young teen on solo trips into the thicket.
Quite a few that are questionable, suprising what tastes good when you haven't eaten in a few days...
Haven't had a chance to try some of the upland Game Birds yet but I willing!