hahahaha, George, if you knew me better you'd know I definitely was
not implying that I had a better mental state

You're right. There's always something we can learn, and it's awesome. I know nothing compared to what I'll know in 20 years. I love this forum, I get so many ideas, realize so many things that I'd never thought to have done in my life, and avoid half the mistakes I would have made by simply reading. It truly is awesome the wealth of information that I've gathered on here and in the volumes that I've read. And it's incredibly satisfying to see the theoretical knowledge gained put into practical use in production. Really, really cool. I'm new, still, and I look at some of the bows done on here...wow. I don't even know how half of y'all get such snakey, mountain road lookin' wood to bend evenly. Much less cast an arrow!