Hello everyone reading, just to let you know I'm a total beginner, so I'm just 'testing the waters' a bit, I'm working on my first bow now, and it's been a great learning experience for me! This one might not be a shooter, but hopefully #2 will be!(Seems addicting

Anyway back on topic, I'm wondering what a board bow is? Do you go to home depot and buy a plank of wood? If you have made such a bow could you tell me what too look for and what kind of wood to look at. General tips. I don't think my parents want me cutting down too many trees

. Do you generally have to back board bows?
I've been looking at different bow "shapes" and found two that really stuck out, Penobscot and Mollegabet. If you have any expirence with these I'd really appreciate the advice!
Thanks a lot everyone!
-Brent, the rookie