Hi everyone, this is my first post on the site and I have some questions regarding bow making.
So I recently cut my first stave, It's either some sort of elm, or hop-hornbeam, the bark is loose and is in narrow strips. It's rings seem really small. I split it and started chasing a ring, which I was told after, was a bad idea for such a wood. I chased a ring along the entire half stave, so should I see how it ends up, or what?
So my first question is, for HHB or elm do I chase a ring?
I am around 5'11 maybe 6ft so how long should my bow end up being? The stave is around the 7ft mark.
If needed how do I "back a bow" and what materials should I use?
Thanks to who ever has answers, bow making is a really interesting hobby for me, I'm 16 and want to start my hobby off right!

If anyone has anything else to recommend I'm happy to take any sort of advice!
Thanks again, Brent.