Well, not the rainy day today, we needed it so badly. A week of rain would not get our lakes filled back up. But my notching...it stinks. I messed this one up yesterday.

Tonight I knocked out 3 points, 2 obsidian and 1 pedernales, and I'm waiting for more nerve before making another go at notching.

That chert point is from the larger piece of this oops...

Maybe I'll watch some youtube video before I try notching again.
On the bright side, I'm very pleased I got that larger point to work. The spall was narrow and thick and for a change the thinning went pretty well. Obsidian is sure easier to run long flakes in. Easier to break too, I lost 2 points to breakage. Got through it without bleeding though, just realized that. Weird. Pretty good night for me.