Author Topic: How do you like me now!!  (Read 1590 times)

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Offline jermcramp1

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How do you like me now!!
« on: October 21, 2011, 11:57:09 am »
I hunt on my wife's family land. These people are all awesome but backwoods as can be and very set in their ways, her grandparents live across the pasture from where her grandpa was born and her grandma hasn't ever had a job. But they will give you the food off their plate(so long as it ain't squirrel dumplins).

Soon as they found out I was making bows, I found out they were all experts in the art of bowyering...haha

These guys all have every gadget you can think of and are shooting 75#+ thin limb, super stealth, twin cam, carbon, blah blah, yada yada yada...

the other day pa started digging out his old bows, found his first one, think it was a golden eagle compound with wood limbs, he asked me if I wanted to shoot it and of course I said hell ya! but I'm not using the sights or a release. We were sitting on the porch about 50yds away from the target, a 6'x6' with a cardboard deer on the front. My first arrow went completely over the target. my second hit the deer in the butt, my third went right over its back, and my last one hit dead center of the heart!!! needless to say I stopped shooting at that point. My wife's cousin wanted a shot, He shot 5 and never even hit the deer,  boy did I give him some crap! whats all them gizmos for if you cant hit your target!

They give me such grief about me hunting with my handmade bow, especially since I missed my first shot ever at a deer with a bow, using my first bow and arrow I ever made, they claim it was my bow, I claim it was cause I was shaking so bad I thought I was going to fall out of my climbing stand!...

I cant wait til I get my new one finished with a couple arrows and take a deer!!! Pa actually said that if I killed a deer with my bow he would give up hunting! I'm gonna make them clean my deer and then make me lunch!

O man I can't wait!

Speaking of, where'd I put my rasp?
Even the dogs get the crumbs...

Offline stikchik

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Re: How do you like me now!!
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2011, 02:19:32 pm »
Sounds like a great story in the making. Show em how its done!!!!

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: How do you like me now!!
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2011, 04:21:41 pm »
Sheer cussed orneriness compells you to shoot a decent buck.  Then you can tell ol' Pa that he can feel safe quitting hunting because you are here to carry his share of the load of deer huntin' so he can rest his weary bones!  Be sure to hand him a lap shawl and take him by the elbow as you guide him to the rocker as you ay it!
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline jermcramp1

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Re: How do you like me now!!
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2011, 05:05:09 pm »
Even the dogs get the crumbs...