Author Topic: stupid murphy and his law  (Read 2151 times)

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Offline triggerfinger

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stupid murphy and his law
« on: September 24, 2011, 09:56:23 pm »
As some of you know i just got moved to valdosta georgia, kinda got lucky the first two weeks i was there and stumbled into a hunt club.  3500 acres of beautiful south georgia flatwoods and swamp, only 12 other guys on it, and 20 odd club stands you can use at any time.  Every member gets his own private area nobody else can hunt and you can do as you please with your area.  All this for only $750. I was in shock to say the least.  So like anyone in their right mind with the free money, i snapped it up.  quickly scouted out a spot with a bunch of acorn heavy oaks, sliced out a 100 acre spot of the map and put my name on it.  I set up a couple feeders, cleared some shooting lanes and set up 2 permanant stands and i got my climber to roam with.  Seemed like a good season ahead.  let it all sit for a month untouched and went back to check my feeders, replace batteries add corn kinda thing, and noticed no sign and lots of corn.  i thought this kinda strange but sometimes it takes deeer a while to find feeders.  Went hunting the following week and didnt see anything, so i got down and walked about 2 miles of road aroound my personal area looking for sign.  It had rained all night and morning so the roads were just wet sand, and shouldve held a track.....but none were there.  The nearest track was a small deer nearly two miles from my primary stand and 1.5 from my secondary.  Went to town for lunch and complained to the waiter of my troubles, to which he replied, yeah man, i hear those guys on that lease shoot everything they see.

So i went home dejected and annoyed at myself for joining the club without scouting the area well enough. It occurred to me to look in the woods 100yd from my house (city property) for sign so i went looking, found tons of tracks more trails than you could shake a pile of sticks at and more deer turds and feeding sign than id ever have expected.  On free to bow hunt public property 100 yd from my porch, that im sure is overlooked by every hunter cause its smack in the middle of town.  Stupid murphys laws
I have nothing witty to say.......

Offline gstoneberg

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Re: stupid murphy and his law
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2011, 10:05:48 pm »
Bummer, but it sounds like you've found a place to hunt anyway.  Pretty good deal right after moving.  Good luck.

St Paul, TX

Offline johnston

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Re: stupid murphy and his law
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 01:13:08 am »
So you are out $750 plus corn and feeders. This year at least. But next year looks great right? The spot near your house probably isn't the only one within city limits.

As hunters we adapt even if it is a pain in the ass.

You lucky devil, 100 yards?


Offline triggerfinger

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Re: stupid murphy and his law
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 11:07:06 am »
im not too bummed out,  ill keep feeding the yella acorns til jan prob and re evaluate the property.  If theres nothing there ill drop off next year.  Bownut (MattMoutos) told me about a place that he
used to hunt that was much more expensive but if you saw his trophy room youd be tempted too!  So i might do that next year if i can somehow get my wife to understand that 2500 is not too much to spend on a quality lease.

The place behind my house looks pretty good im pretty stoked about it.  My only concern is that it is park adjacent and it would be weird to track a bleeding deer through a baseball field......especially during a game.  Im not sure how you would explain that.
I have nothing witty to say.......