Ok folks I just got to show off my new pens. A short time ago Zannderpommo had a trade request ,pens for snake skins and since I had plenty of little skins but no fancy writing utensil I sent him what I had and asked him to work up a couple of custom his and her pens. The first request was for some snake wood pens with vegetable ivory, now Zannder could of made them up and shipped them out but instead he sent me a message letting me know that our pens may or may not last since snake wood is prone to splitting and he did'nt want me to be dissapointed. So I told him to use his artistic skill and put us something together with whatever materials he wanted ,my only request was that he try to put some veggie ivory in it and to make them similar but not so similar that I would have to fight my wife for "her pen" (at least thats what she calls all the pens she likes regardless of whether its mine or not). Well let me tell you he did'nt dissappoint us at all he was a pleasure to deal with and a true artist, the pens are perfect in every way from the smooth finish to the glue lines and choice of woods. And now the pens this one is mine

This ones her's

and this one was a extra gift and we're still armwrestling for ownership

and here they are together