Author Topic: It's gotta be good Mojo!!!!  (Read 2170 times)

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Offline lowell

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It's gotta be good Mojo!!!!
« on: October 16, 2011, 03:41:38 pm »
  Going to put the osage back in the tree....

 Just got back from putting a ladder stand in an osage tree on a fence line.  Son went with to help me and when we got out of the truck, the first thing we both saw was a tree about 15 in diameter all chewed up from being rubbed.  You could see the scratches from the brow tines then the rubbing from the other tines on the sides of the tree.

  Trail followed through the fence line and there was also a rub on the other side.  We put the stand in an osage tree and my son was trimmimg some shooting lanes and he kept saying....this is some tough S#*%. >:D 

   I just smiled and said "I know" ;)

   A friend had seen a big buck in this section and it is not hunted very hard as there is really no big woods just thick fence rows, grassy areas and corn and bean fields. So talked to the farmer and he said sure ...thin them out!!!

    As you may tell I had a good time!!!!!!!!! And soon... my osage bow will feel right at home!! :)
My son says I shoot a stick with a stick!!

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Re: It's gotta be good Mojo!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2011, 09:55:50 am »
Got to be good Mojo is right, Cool story and good luck on the buck. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good