Welp, I guess I am just a sucker for a nicely burnished selfbow,... so anyway, I gave in and just went to town with this one as it was. I did however turn 3 1/2" or so on the beginning of the levers into working limb as was suggested... (the levers were wayyy too long to begin with) Also screwed up the tiller nicely too.

As you can tell the left limb bends more outer limb and is too stiff right off the handle. It is pulling 70# here at 28". 61" N2N. After shooting in I am guessing it will settle around 65#. The tips are 7/16" wide x 9/16" thick, so I could of went smaller but one of the limbs wasn't
super aligned, so I guessed rather than risk it I will just leave them where they are at. Doesn't have any handshock anyhow. Ended up with about 2 1/2" set. If it was an all heartwood bow I doubt it would of been that much. But, as has been stated, the inner limbs were not very wide, even for osage IMO after trying it out this way. But this bow shoots super nice. I will definitely be making another osage molly sometime... this time with proper dimensions and maybe some flipped tips if I feel brave enough to get the friggin things aligned right,

. God it has been so long since I worked osage, been too long. Like I said, the tiller is screwed up, but I made this bow out of a piece that was almost pitched, so I am happy, stiff spot or not. (the fact it was osage probably saved me from getting like 5 inches set I am guessing). I just like the way it shoots and am afraid of low string tension if I remove any more wood. Ill take some better pics and a video of it shooting later after getting a proper string whipped up (literally) as I have been lazily using a piece of paracord as a string... Ill prolly post it in a seperate thread so it aint all confusing...