Author Topic: Massey finish help please  (Read 9031 times)

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Re: Massey finish help please
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2011, 06:50:36 pm »
I know some guys who put super glue over their snake skins, but I don't think it's really necassery myslef. Several coats of Tru Oil will do the job nicely............IF you have some on hand that is.  :o
Gotta get me some more before the next bow!!
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Offline Gaur

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Re: Massey finish help please
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2011, 11:35:36 pm »
Hi Gordon,

Thanks for the reply.  I don't always think things out in advance so well.   Do you think superglue is a good finish if put right over the skins.  I've tried that too as others have suggested it and ended up having problems too.  Maybe not all superglues are equal.  Many a massey finish if done thin enough doesn't crack in the stressed areas.  This bow was a bamboo backed osage for my son and there was lots of bend in the middle section as its a short bow.
"...He made me a polished arrow and hid me in His quiver." Is 49:2

Offline Gordon

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Re: Massey finish help please
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2011, 04:07:52 am »

The technique that I've settled on for snake skins is as follows:

1. Make sure there are no air bubbles as these will cause the finish to crack under stress
2. Make sure ALL scales are removed as even a few scales can compromise finish adhesion
3. Apply a light coat of superglue to the skins and let dry
4. Apply a light coat of shellac over the superglue and let dry
5. Apply 3 light coats of Tru-Oil, letting the finish dry between coats.
6. Lightly sand the finish with 220 grit sandpaper only in the direction of the scales
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6
8. Apply 2 final light coats of Tru-Oil

When I do it this way I do not experience problems with cracking.

Offline Gaur

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Re: Massey finish help please
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2011, 10:03:33 am »
Thanks Gordon.  Appreciate the help. I'll have to try it your way then. 
"...He made me a polished arrow and hid me in His quiver." Is 49:2

Offline Christophero

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Re: Massey finish help please
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2011, 01:25:04 pm »
Here's a thought that may help you and from what I've read it is basically a homemade Truoil.  I've not personally used Truoil but from all the reviews it sounds very close: 
Mix 50/50 gloss polyurethaine with Mineral Spirits and apply with a rag, brush or finger.  This thins down the poly and allows it to dry fast, like Truoil, for multiple coats a day.  Gloss poly drys harder than the satin as satin has agents in it to prevent the gloss effect that softens the product so that is why it is recommende to use the gloss. 

I found this information out in a 10 year old Woodworker's magazine and used it on the last bow I built.  I was very impressed with the end results.  Having both materials on hand made making this mix easy and cheap without having to find a Truoil supplier.  A tip is to mix up only a small batch that you will use up for that project and keep it sealed or it will dry out quickly. 
Once that combination was fully applied the bow then received a spraying of Spar Satin to dull the finish.  I was very glad to find this information out.  Hope it helps.