You are quite welcome Matt. I'm glad you finally got a chance to try it out, and that it's shooting well for you. The suspense was killing me over the last week, waiting for the "official" review

That was my first osage bow too, and I'm glad I have another one just like it floor tillered for myself. I love the long yellow curls that come off it when scraping. Nothing like the maple that I'm used to working with. And from what I've read, the combo of compression strong osage backed with tension strong hickory should make for a bow that's pretty much indestructible.
You can thank Canada Post for going on strike and giving me the time to make some extra accessories

Although Fed Ex ended up being cheaper with faster delivery anyway.
A random tidbit on the armguard - The image of the primitive archer was from a cave drawing that was depicted in one of the TBB, I believe it was volume 2. I wish I could have made it a bit more personal for you, but you don't post much on here, and I really didn't know what your tastes were. I hope you like it anyway.
It's funny how us 3 Canucks ended up trading with each other - I made one for you, you made one for Darcy, and Darcy made one for me.

I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures from Darcy and hearing more about the cable-backed bow you made for him.