Author Topic: Turkey feathers...  (Read 11640 times)

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Offline Stickboy

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Re: Turkey feathers...
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2011, 03:45:06 pm »
Awesome.  Thanks for all the help and information!  Yesterday, I had a conversation about the migratory bird thing with a fella at work who does a lot of hunting.  He was saying that since geese and ducks are classified as a "game species" (at least here), they are sort of exempt from that possession rule.

Started my arrows with goose feather fletching today.  Hope to be shooting by tomorrow.

Thanks again for everything!
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when he will need his spear." - Havamal, 38


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Re: Turkey feathers...
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2011, 05:24:29 pm »
That's kinda what I was thinking too Stick, they aren't endangered by any means just regulated and there is a term called "Wanton Waste" which means deliberately wasting edible portions of meat or other useable parts of an animal. Example would be killing a whitetail deer and just cutting the back straps out and leaving the rest, or cutting the head gear off and leaving the meat to rot, that's called Wanton Waste and it's illegal in most states. I know it sure is here and if the MDC catches you doing it you'll get a huge fine and maybe some shock time in jail.

With that explanation I just gave, there's no reason why any regulatory agency state or federal would want the feathers or any other part of a game bird to go to waste. As a matter of fact they should commend someone for using ever part of an animal or bird so nothing goes to waste. That's how the Indians were, they didn't waste anything, not even the bones they all had a purpose and they thought it was sacrilage or an insult to their Creator to waste anything. I still see it that way myself.
Glad you got some feathers and I hope your arrows turn out real good for ya.
~Varitas Vos Liberabit~ John 8:32

Offline Stickboy

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Re: Turkey feathers...
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2011, 03:03:18 am »
Commendation would be nice, but I'm just glad some folks are able to make use of something that might just set around and become wasted potential.

I decided to take a break on the replica arrow, and work on my set of target arrows.  I think I would rather have made and messed up/learned from a set, before trying to make a nice one to gift.  Only have one done right now; but so far, the goose feathers seem to be working great.  Might try to do some target practice tomorrow, see how they work out.
"A man should not step one foot
forth in the field without weapons.
One cannot know, when on the road,
when he will need his spear." - Havamal, 38

Offline ajc

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Re: Turkey feathers...
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2011, 04:24:21 am »
ebay you can find all you want!